Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

How It Feels To Really Like Someone But Know He Isn’t ‘The One’

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/like-someone-not-the-one/1205370/

Written by: Sheena Sharma

the one

Screech. Bang. I was in the kitchen, a place I rarely frequent. I was helping cook dinner with the guy I was dating.

He’d assigned me the task of peeling garlic (which, it turns out, is deceptively difficult). I’d obliged. He’d kissed me on the cheek and left the room for a brief moment.

It hadn’t even crossed my mind that I’d ended up in the kitchen. But then it hit me (probably at the same time the pan did). What in God’s name was I doing in the kitchen? I don’t usually step foot in there.

In fact, I’ve never gone out of my way to whip up anything special for myself. The fact that I’d made the conscious decision to help someone else make a meal could mean only one thing: I liked him.

Sh*t. There was just one tiny problem with liking this guy — I wasn’t allowed to.

See, there was something about his life that wasn’t quite compatible with mine, and it was a deal-breaker. A fatal flaw, if you will. From the moment I got to know him, I knew he wouldn’t be my “forever”; he would just be my “for now.”

At that point, my apprehension was only a feeling — a sense that something wasn’t right. But I stayed even when I could have walked away. I didn’t have a reason to leave. The present was all that mattered; the future was hazy and distant.

One part in the game of love stings more than the rest. It stings more, even, than the breakup. It stings more than being single and crush-less.

Hell, it may even sting more than seeing an ex with a new girlfriend. It happens when you like someone a lot but know, deep down, that he isn’t The One.

It’s like having a diamond necklace taunt you through the glass of a store window. You’re so damn close to the real deal — that unexplainable, potentially mythical feeling you’ve been chasing your whole life. But you aren’t there yet.

It’s like a holiday romance: fun for the time being, but inherently not meant to last. Proceeding with caution, you calculate your every move until the end of the game, at which point someone will forfeit. And that person will be you.

After all, what kind of idea is “The One”? Is it even remotely credible? I thought I was just running around in the dark, hoping to find someone — anyone — who felt the same magnetic pull for me as I did for him.

And you have that with him, so you stay by his side. But it isn’t all that simple.

You find yourself justifying the romance.

Friends prod you incessantly about this. They wonder why you’re seeing him, what you’ve got to gain. And in a sense, they’re right.

But they also couldn’t be more wrong. All you’ve been thinking about is what you have to lose.

We’ve been taught that even the relationships that don’t work out are bound to teach us something. There’s always a lesson to be learned. Self-discovery doesn’t stop at the experiences that give us answers.

It appears even after we end the relationships that gave us more questions than answers.

I stayed in the romance, but I found myself unable to lose myself in the moment. This — losing myself — is something I hope to see in my “perfect” love story, which I have yet to find.

He becomes a list of tally marks.

You’re no longer dealing with a real person. He’s been reduced to a checklist of pros and cons, and a stalemate has been holding you hostage for a while.

There are as many right things about him as there are wrong ones. One side is never heavy enough to tip you into making an executive decision. Individually, his qualities can be redeeming. As a whole, he isn’t the perfect package.

You’ll tell your children about him one day, but he won’t be their father.

Time feels like it’s being wasted.

Guilty questions flood your mind. Am I wasting his time? What about my time? Or is this all just a learning experience, and it’s perfectly acceptable that it won’t turn into anything more? Must everything be a means to an end?

The question of whether you should invest your time elsewhere is relentless. Time has become the enemy; time drives you maniacal. You know your days with him are numbered.

When things eventually end, you’ll still be sad.

And you’ll surprise yourself with just how sad you’ll be. You slapped an expiration date onto him from the beginning because you knew it couldn’t be any other way.

The upper hand was yours, and when it’s over, you haven’t only lost him; you’ve lost your power. You had grown comfortably into a model that was designed with strict limitations of comfort.

It’s a loss worth mourning. Only after stepping outside of it are you able to realize that you were able to be your truest self with him. No expectations meant no pressure, and you miss that.

You ask yourself what you’re even looking for.

One day, you wake up and realize something: You got in too deep with him. And though you got yourself out, you can’t help but think you wrongfully pushed him away.

Because if he wasn’t The One, then who is? Am I kidding myself for thinking there’s someone out there who was tailored just for me?

It’s Not Just Sex That He’s Longing For. It’s This.

Reposted from: http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/hlg-its-not-sex-that-hes-longing-for-its-this/

Written by Steve Horsmon


Do you know why romance and sensuality novels for women are so popular?

Short answer: The authors know exactly how to give women that feeling.

That feeling has many facets and she loves them all. She tingles with the flirtatiousness of the conversation. She blushes at the boldness and sensual innuendo. She craves the unapologetic desire. She wants to be “taken” by her man. The sexual polarity and tension has her on pins and needles of anticipation. She is aching for the climactic release from this torture.

And her husband doesn’t quite get it. He can read the same passage and have a lukewarm response.

Sure, it’s a little titillating. But it’s not the kind of romance language he has told me he is longing for.


He is a long-time, married man who is just dying to star in a different scene.

Just as he struggles to understand her emotional reaction to those scenes written for her, she can also be clueless about his deepest desires. And it’s not a sex scene.

To him, it seems she just doesn’t understand (or doesn’t care?) why reading this scene will almost always bring a tear to his eye and a lump in his throat.

More than anything, he wants that feeling, and only she has the power to supply that.

The Romance Story That Can Make Men Cry

They were finally alone. He had been looking forward to doing this for months and she finally agreed to a getaway for just the two of them. The kids were with grandma and they will finally have a chance to reconnect as a man and woman—not as dad and mom.

Their truck was cruising west on the hot desert highway into a beautiful sunset as one of their favorite songs from high school came on the radio. They both started humming the song and broke into the chorus at the exact same time. They both laughed and smiled without talking as the song ended. After another few miles, she gently reached across the top of the bench seat and her hand her found the back of his head. Her fingers rolled and massaged through his hair as she delivered the most loving half-scratch, half-massage treatment he hadn’t felt in a long time.

He caught her looking at him out of the side of his eye and said, ‘What’s that look for?

She kept eye contact and grinned as she said, ‘This was such a good plan. I’m so happy you’re my man. Thank you for making me go on this trip. We both need this, don’t we?’

As they pulled into town that night, he realized he had not even noticed the last 100 miles. While his truck found its own way, he had been traveling on Cloud Nine.


Many women reading this will think I’m full of crap. The men know I’m not.

The leading man in this story is a familiar one.  He has been married for 14 years, has three kids aged 13, 11 and nine, and he lives in a rat race of work, relatives, friends, home maintenance, and weekend soccer tournaments.

Sure, his sex life could be better. He wishes it was better. He might even sneak a peek at porn sites every now and then.  But that’s not what he longs for in his heart.

It isn’t the loss of sexual intimacy that causes his quiet tears. It’s the loss of his emotional and sensual connection with his only romantic partner in life. He craves her presence, respect and trust. She is the only woman who has the power to lift him up and make him want to conquer the world for her.

Yet he feels that she no longer wants to be that woman for him. She is disconnected. She gives herself and her energy to just about anyone but him. And it makes him sad. It makes him fearful of his future. The sadness and fear show up in his life as anger which can lead to occasional abusive behavior.


The Truth Behind His Anger

Anger of this type is a secondary emotion. It is a reaction to the thoughts of what he believes he has lost and of the fear of where he thinks he will wind up.

His confidence wanes and he yields to his worst fears – that maybe he really is an inadequate and insignificant man.

The dream of “happily ever after” for most men includes the idea of a long-term, committed, romantic and sexual relationship with a woman who shares his values and desire to maintain a healthy, trusting, respectful, and intimate relationship. The dream is full of good feelings, happy times, supportive words and loving actions.

For many men, it feels like this dream is dying right in front of them and there is no way to stop it.  Everything he does to address it seems to blow up in his face.

Can he be more understanding? Can he be more caring and sensitive? Can he take more responsibility for helping her feel safer and supportive? Yep.

He’s been working hard at being a better man and husband for the last year.  He’s not perfect, but he’s trying so hard.  His wife has noticed, but she still doesn’t trust him.

He wants to be a man who he can be proud of. He also wants a woman who is proud of him and appreciates him.  All he needs to keep going most days is a good head scratch and a loving vote of confidence.

– See more at: http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/hlg-its-not-sex-that-hes-longing-for-its-this/#sthash.f8t3TROb.dpuf

Science Explains Why Breakups Hurt Men Differently

Reposted from: http://www.rebelcircus.com/blog/science-explains-breakups-hurt-men-differently/

There’s hardly a stereotype more common than the rough and tough macho man. But if you’re under the assumption that men are better at controlling their emotions, you may want to reconsider your beliefs. A majority of the male population may be good at suppressing their feelings, but control? Pure myth. In fact, according to new research, breakups actually affect men more than women. Not convinced? Keep reading and allow science to fill you in on the mushy details.

Is it really over?


Researchers at Binghamton University and University College London have split men and women down in the middle in terms of how they react to breakups.

A breakups hurt. The pain will come. But for men, it’s more like a slow, intensifying burn. It won’t hit right away, but when it does… everyone stand back!

Women typically take the shorter path in a breakup, emotionally-speaking. The hurt may be more substantial, but it’ll pass much more quickly than it does for men.

A researcher at Binghamton, Craig Morris, said, “Woman are evolved to invest far more in a relationship than a man.”

When a guy has a breakdown after a breakup, he’s not being over-emotional. Despite what years of stereotyping has told us, he’s just being a man.

For men, the breakup signifies a genuine loss, one that sinks in the more time passes. The idea settles and the male brain just absorbs it at a slower pace.

Why He Won’t Marry You

Reposted from: http://www.lisashield.com/blog/why-he-wont-marry-you/

Written by : Lisa Shield

Why He Won’t Marry You 

Falling in love never felt so good

If you’re a woman who dreams of getting married, and especially if you want children, there’s nothing more devastating than hearing the love of your life suddenly start to question if he’s really the marrying kind. You distinctly remember that he was one who mentioned marriage in the first place. It was a couple of months after you’d started dating. You were at Trader Joe’s laughing and shopping together. You couldn’t believe that two people could have so much fun doing something so ordinary. Just as you were reaching for an avocado, you felt his arm around your waist. He spun you around, looked deep in your eyes and said, “I think I could get used to this. I might even marry you one day.” Your heart exploded. These were the words you’d been waiting your whole life to hear.

When reality sets in

Fast-forward two years later, and everything’s changed. The man who claimed he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you is having second thoughts. The more he applies the brakes, the more hurt and anxious you feel… and with good reason. You’re almost 35. You want kids now more than ever, and your biological clock is t-i-c-k-i-n-g! Any man in his right mind knows you don’t mention marriage to a woman unless you mean it. Did he mean it? And if he did, what made him change his mind?

In the early throes of passion, it’s easy for two people to make big promises to each other: marriage… children… a chocolate lab and a white picket fence. When a relationship is shiny and new and there are no issues or problems getting in the way, a man might really feel like the woman he’s with is The One and imagine spending the rest of his life with her. Sometimes, it’s even the man who sets the wheels in motion and brings the issue of marriage and children up first. But then, months or years down the line, things change. One day he’s talking about diamond rings and babies, the next day everything comes to a screeching halt. The man who claimed he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you is starting to rethink everything.

What the hell happened?

He led you to believe that you were on the same page, that one day you would get married and start a family together, so you invested precious years of your life in the relationship. Now, it feels like your whole life is unraveling. What the hell happened?

As a relationship coach, one of the biggest reasons I hear men give for questioning marriage is that the dynamics of the relationship have changed. A partnership that once felt easy and harmonious is now rife with anger and fighting, and the man doesn’t know how to deal with it.

When clients discuss this issue during their sessions, the women often claim the fighting and anxiety is a result of their partner’s hesitation to propose. Or, they’ve proposed, but they’re evasive when it comes to discussing the wedding. The women are convinced that all their troubles will be resolved once they walk down the aisle. But the men are afraid the fighting will carry over into the marriage. The men say that they believe there’s something about the way the women are pressuring and pushing to get their way that isn’t going to stop just because they’re married.

A vicious cycle

The more anxious and angry a woman gets, the more a man will dig in his heels. Men don’t want to be mothered or told what to do. They don’t want to be given ultimatums or deadlines and made to feel like they’re being pushed into doing something before they’re ready. Women, on the other hand, face very real deadlines, and the thought of missing out on marriage and a family can be traumatizing, not to mention anxiety provoking. It’s a vicious cycle.

Of course, there may be other factors at play as well: marriage, children, and a home all cost money. Though times have changed and many women are out-earning men, many men still feel it’s their duty to be financially responsible for their partner. There’s also tremendous pressure when it comes to taking on debt to finance a lavish wedding, not to mention the financial burden of children. Women also need to consider other, deeper issues that may be driving their partner’s fear, like coming from a broken family, having a father who cheated or a mother who was alcoholic. These difficult early life experiences can cause many men to feel avoidant and harbor a real fear of commitment, which is a serious issue that can be hard to discern in the midst of all the drama and fighting.

Getting to “I Do”

The very best thing a couple in this situation can do for themselves is to seek the help of a therapist or coach. I put my clients through some very structured listening exercises so that they can really start to hear each other’s perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of what’s happening on both sides. I encourage my clients to recognize that, in this situation, there are two people who are hurt and scared, and help them learn to come from a place of love rather than anger and desperation. Until both members of the couple understand where the other is coming from, it will be very difficult to move forward.

It is heartbreaking to find yourself in a position where the person you want to spend the rest of your life with won’t commit. With a ticking clock and your whole future hanging in the balance, it’s understandable that you would feel anxious and hurt. If you’ve found yourself in this situation and don’t know where to turn, I encourage you to set up a consultation and see how I can help.

Are You An Empath? These Are The 4 Types Of Narcissists You’re Attracting

logo3Reposted from: http://www.higherperspectives.com/narcissist-and-empath-1557526215.html?c=ss

Published by: Higher Perspective

I’m an empath. I’m a healer. I absorb what other people are feeling it and feel it as if it were my own. My own pain, my own anguish, my own hurt. Narcissists rarely know an empath’s boundaries. It makes us easy to bond with. We eat their pain like breakfast lunch and dinner.

Are You An Empath Or A Narcissist? Find Out!

The victim.

A narcissist isn’t always confident by nature. They can be quiet, reserved, and sensitive too. They may engage in self-hatred and act like they aren’t worthy. They are often motivated by their fears and don’t truly have the capacity to fully be themselves or loved. Their narcissism is fueled by inferiority complexes.

The superhero.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is the superhero. The one who thinks they’re smart, sexy, perfect, and just kick ass all the way around. They act like nothing can possibly hurt them and that your duty in life is to make them feel super great about themselves because they are, after all, the best.

The perfect lover.

This narcissist seems lovely at first because they display incredible care, affection, and perfection to you in the beginning. They flatter you, give you gifts, and make you love them. As soon as they have you, they use you until they are no longer interested. They eventually cast you aside as boring. These people are often “gold diggers” as well.

The elitist.

This is a type of narcissist that probably came from money and wants to stay that way. They grew up in the lap of luxury and as a result look down on everyone else. They may seem pragmatic, successful, intelligent, and driven at first, but eventually they demonstrate a desire to one up, brag, and self-promote.

The schemer.

This type of narcissist seems like they have good intentions from the start. They do good for people and their community, but there’s always something to their kindness. They expect something in return. And if they don’t naturally get it, they’ll demand it. If you don’t give it to them, get ready for a serious conflict.