Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

Military Diet: Lose Up To Ten Pounds In Three Days

Reposted from: http://blessedmommy.hubpages.com/hub/Lose-Up-To-10-Pounds-In-3-Days-On-The-3-Day-Diet

The Original Three Day Diet Plan

Since I first published the Military Diet diet in 2007, countless people around the world have used it successfully to lose weight. Although there are copycats, this is the original, which is important because even a small change to this diet can set you up for poor results.

How did I come up with all of this?

A military gentleman who attended our church some years back introduced me to this diet. He said that military recruits use this diet when they need to get in shape quickly. Since then I’ve done extensive research and heard from countless people who have tried this plan. Combined with my own personal trial and error, the diet that follows is carefully tested and includes advice to help you succeed. Feel confident and see the results for yourself!

Here’s what I’ll be covering:

  • Doctor’s Approval for Dieting
  • The Three Day Diet: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • How the Diet Works
  • Beverages
  • About the Food Choices
  • Allowed Additions
  • Important Information About Substitutions
  • Exercise
  • Tips to Keep the Weight Off
  • How to Make the Diet Work for You
  • Success Stories

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Struggles Only Independent Women Have To Deal With

Reposted from: http://www.rantchic.com/2015/05/05/struggles-only-independent-women-have-to-deal-with/?utm_campaign=RantDatingFB&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=referral

Written by: Cassie Thompson

15. Seeing People Claim To Be Independent… When They’re NotNope. Nope. Nope. If someone else is paying your bills, I hate to break it to you, but you’re not independent.

14. Men Are Intimidated
Oh, no! A woman that doesn’t need a man! Now that is scary. Most guys see women who have it together and run for the hills. It’s a control thing.
13. People Always Asking If You’re Okay
I know it seems weird that I’m doing okay on my own, and this is hard to believe, but yes. I’m fine. I’m great.
12. People Think Mom and Dad Help You Out
No, honey. I bought this car on my own, I paid for school myself and my rent comes out of my own pocket. Thank you very much!
11. Very High Dating Standards
Dating can be hard when you already have everything you need… Except the right guy. You’ve got high standards (and should) but you sometimes chase your dates away a little early because you don’t want to waste time. Lighten up a little and try dating someone who does not meet every qualification.
10. People Think You Have Attitude
Sure independent ladies have attitude, the right attitude.
9. Seeing Women Use Men Upsets You
Get a grip, woman. You can earn your own money and buy your own drinks. You make all of us look bad!
 8. Other Women Are Jealous
Girl, you’ve got to take some risks to get where you want to be. Don’t hate the player, be one
7. Men Stereotype You
A lot of guys seem to think that all women are out to get them, which ends up affecting you too. Guys think you’re just like every other girl who has used them in the past. How unfair is that?
6. Your Pet Is Your Best Friend
Since you’re really busy, it can be hard to make or keep friendships. You turn into Snow White to compensate. It’s cool, cause animals are awesome.
5. People Want To Drag You Down
Being confident, self-assured, independent… These are all things that a lot of people don’t want to see in a woman and they will try to drag you down. Don’t let them. They are just trying to steal your happiness.
4. It’s Hard Work
The truth is, it can be exhausting and sometimes you’ll want to quit. You’ve got to keep at it.
3. Running Out Of Wine Is A State Of Emergency
Ladies that work as hard as we do sometimes need a glass of wine to function at the end of the day. To be out of wine is extremely depressing. Can you even watch Netflix without it? Is that legal?
2. Men Try To Buy Your Love
When you’re a woman who has got her own money, there is no need for anyone to pay your way. You can take care of yourself. A man has to bring more than that to the table.
1. Seeing Women Waste Their Potential
You know they’re capable of so much more. Someone should tell them there is more to life than being a pretty face or body. Society says women are sidekicks, the gender set to play second fiddle, to serve a supplementary role to men… It isn’t true. You can be independent and be happy.

Why Smart Professionals Are Stupid Daters

Reposted from: http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/why-smart-professionals-are-stupid-daters-hlg/

Written by: Susan Winter


A successful venture capitalist can distinguish between a company of true merit and one of false flash, yet fail to see the same in the woman he’s dating. An accomplished businesswoman can walk into a job interview thinking, They’re crazy if they don’t hire me, yet wonder if her date finds her worthy. And the seasoned golf pro can read an undulating green, but can’t make sense of his partner’s behavior. How’s this possible? Why do smart, confident and successful professionals become stupid when it comes to romance?

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5 Signs Your Relationship Isn’t Working and You’re Wasting

Reposted from: http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/5-signs-your-relationship-isnt-working-and-youre-wasting-your-time-kt/

by Claudia Contreras


Every relationship you have should be the best one ever. If the one you’re in now makes you doubt that feeling, something is wrong.

Let’s face it: Relationships are great, but it’s better to be single than in a relationship that isn’t right for you. In the beginning, it’s easy to regard everything as being perfect, and to brush off any flaws we may come across.

But, once you get serious about your relationship and start to think carefully about all it is and isn’t, you’ll realize there are some issues you just can’t ignore.

Some relationships start out sweet and then turn sour; whereas, others just don’t feel right from the beginning. You ignore all the red flags because it’s difficult to admit the person you are with is not suitable for you.

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12 Types of Assholes: How to Spot Them Before It’s Too Late – See more at: http://thebolde.com/12-types-assholes-spot-late/#sthash.lKxTb1HF.dpuf


Reposted from: http://thebolde.com/12-types-assholes-spot-late/

Written by: Halle Kay

Screen Shot 2014-10-15 at 2.50.15 PM

Finding a fantastic guy sometimes feels like trying to find a grain of rice in an olympic size swimming pool: almost impossible. But it’s not. There are some amazing men out there among the assholes and it’s just a question of exercising good judgment. To save you time and agony, below are some of the worst kinds of men and how to spot them before you get stuck.

(And please note: all men exhibit some of these traits; what makes a guy truly terrible is if he engages in these behaviors to a degree that it becomes an ongoing problem for the relationship.)

1. The offender: The guy who ignores you when you text or call.
What to watch for: His communication habits.
A guy should respond to your texts or calls within a reasonable time frame. If he’s taking an unusually long time to get back to you or ignoring some of your attempts to reach out altogether, cut bait. Nothing good comes from a guy who can’t even push some buttons on a phone for you. In fact, you shouldn’t be messing with someone who isn’t regularly initiating communication with you. Yes, there are guys who do that. You want one of them.

2. The offender: The guy who cheats.
What to watch for: His ethical vibe and his selfishness level.
Guys who cheat are weak creatures with weak moral frameworks. They’re needs-driven, not principle-driven. What you want is a disciplined guy who plays fair and by the rules — a guy who gives you the sense that he would do the right thing even if it meant going without. If the guy you’re with has a selfish streak or is coming off like he lacks character, move on. Cheaters are bullshit.

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