Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

Honest Thoughts On Being 30, Unmarried, & Childless

)Reposted from: http://www.forteebello.com/love-2/relationships/honest-thoughts-on-being-30-unmarried-childless/

Gorgeous Romantic Girl Outdoors,

Over the past year and half since I started this blog, I have received my share of messages and inquiries regarding my single-hood. By this stage in my life it has become something I’ve just grown accustomed to, not only from my blog readers but from friends and family. The endless questions/comments are immanent – “Why aren’t you married yet?”, “Are you being too picky?”, “Maybe you should make yourself more available/pursuable.” By this point in life, I’ve heard it all. Especially considering I come from the midwest (Minnesota) – a land of young brides, full nests, and Martha Stewart-esque women. I have four brothers who all met and married their gorgeous, incredible wives in their early twenties and shortly after started having children. I now have twelve nieces and nephews and love each and every one of them to bits. But every time I am with them it makes me very aware of my relationship status and the obvious lack of children running around my home.

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Sometimes My Husband Feels More Like My Roommate

Reposted from: http://www.babble.com/relationships/sometimes-my-husband-feels-more-like-my-roommate/?cmp=SMC%7Cnone%7Cnatural%7CBabble%7CBabbleMay%7CFB%7Cmyroommate-Babble%7CInHouse%7C2015-05-03%7C%7C%7Cesocialmedia

Written by: 

Image source: Thinkstock

In the earlier days of my marriage, at 2 pm on the dot, I’d put two toddlers down for their naps, and tip-toe to the living room. I would pack my pump and some snacks for the night ahead. And I would settle in to feed the baby while flipping on my guilty pleasure of The Real Housewives or Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

2:40 pm rolled around, then 2:43. I’d adjust my scrub top and say a quick prayer that he wouldn’t be late. At exactly 2:45, I’d hear the crunch of gravel under his truck tires and I’d hurry to the door. Before he had a chance to even cross the threshold, I was pressing a baby into his arms and rushing past him to grab my stethoscope and my shoes.

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The Difference Between A Mature Relationship And An Immature Relationship

Reposted from: http://www.the-open-mind.com/the-difference-between-a-mature-relationship-and-an-immature-relationship/

Written by: Lauren Martin

Mature couples don’t “fall in love,” they step into it. Love isn’t something you fall for; it’s something you rise for. Falling denotes lowering oneself, dropping down and being stuck somewhere lower than where you started. You have to get up from falling. Love isn’t like that — at least not with people who are doing it right. Immature couples fall; mature couples coast. Because love is either a passing game, or it’s forever. Love is either wrong, or it’s right. A couple is either mature or immature. How do you know?

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Why people cheat in relationships — and how to keep it from happening to you

Reposted from: http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-why-people-cheat-in-relationships-2015-4

Written by: Mark Manson

Genghis Khan married his wife when he was 16 and together they had four kids.

Today, geneticists estimate that 16 million men in Asia (that’s 1 out of every 200) are direct descendants of Khan.

Now, I’m not saying Khan cheated on his wife or anything. After all, I wasn’t there.

But Khan is on the historical record claiming that his absolute favorite thing in the world, aside from murdering his enemies and stealing their horses, was to rape their wives and daughters.

And considering he conquered all of Asia and half of Europe, it’s safe to say that’s a lot of wives and daughters.

I mean, historians estimate that he was responsible for over 40 million deaths. That was 11% of the world population back then. Genocide is hard and stressful work. So yeah, if he wanted to sneak a little (forced) nookie in on the side, who was going to stop him? 1

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Things Girls Wish They Could Ask Guys Before Getting It On

Reposted from: http://www.rebelcircus.com/blog/things-girls-wish-can-ask-guys-get/

Have you ever sealed the deal to the point where you knew you’re going to sleep with someone, but have a laundry list of questions running through your mind?  We’ve all been there.  You know, those hard-hitting, and extremely inappropriate questions you wish you knew the answers to because they could be real deal breakers in bed?  We don’t ask them because we are afraid we will ruin the moment, but here are some questions that girls wish they could ask guys before they sleep with them.



Are you good in bed? We mean, we’ll take half decent.
Things Girls Wish They Can Ask Guys Before They Sleep With Them

Are you one of those guys who won’t go down on girls?

Are you well-groomed down below?

Are you uncircumcised? I may need to mentally prepare myself.

How big is it?

How thick is it?

Do you have any STDs?

Are you…small?

How long do you last…on average?

How long is this going to take?

Do you have any crazy fetishes?

You’re not going to do anything weird are you?

Is it curved?

Are we going to do some nasty sh*t?

What position do you prefer?