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Written by: Rachel Francis

Next month I will be 26, and over the past few years, I have changed. I’ve matured, I have become responsible, professional and reached a bit of success career-wise. After college ended and I experienced true independence, I started to find happiness in different things. I traded in my time partying for time reading and relaxing, my money eating out for cleaning supplies and cookware, and my love of carelessness for a love of responsibility. I became an adult! Don’t get me wrong — I still drink too much wine, I sometimes have a fit like a toddler over a bill and I usually buy clothes instead of gas, but the things that bring me happiness these days are pretty lame by my 21-year-old standards.
1. Farmers’ markets
Good golly, has this little homegrown piece of heaven been around my whole life? There is nothing I love more (except the nerdy things listed below) than going to the farmers’ market on a crisp fall morning. Being surrounded by all those vibrant, fresh, beautiful fruits, veggies and jams actually makes me want to quit the corporate world and become a farmer.
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