Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

10 Weird Things That Predict Divorce, According To Science, Because There’s Another Reason Your 45 Minute Commute Is Ruining Your Life

Reposted from: http://www.bustle.com/articles/78748-10-weird-things-that-predict-divorce-according-to-science-because-theres-another-reason-your-45-minute?utm_source=fbpro&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=fbpros&sr_source=lift_facebook

Written by: Amanda Chatel

According to experts, there are many behaviors that predict divorce. Some are completely obvious like the fact that the person you married slept with all your friends than ran off with your sister. Then there are other things like finances, which is the number one thing couples argue about most according to statics. While both these and a plethora of other reasons make total sense as to why some people might call it quits, there are even more absurd reasons why someone might opt for divorce… you know, like having a daughter.

While the myth is that more than half of couples divorce, according to recent statistics, only about one-third are doomed to end up going down that road. Divorce, of course, is never easy and sometimes, even as much as we fight, unavoidable. I’ve always taken solace in the fact that sometimes love just dies, and in cases like that, no one is to blame.

Family law firm McKinley Irvin has looked into some of the more interesting reasons as to why people have divorced. While they may seem a bit laughable at first, you probably won’t be the one laughing when you’re on the other side saying adieu simply because you live in the wrong state. 

Here are the complete and utter WTF reasons that predict whether you’re fated for divorce court or happily ever after.

1. Having An Online Affair

Although 54 percent of men do not consider this to be adultery, apparently others do. Keep in mind, “online” means exactly that, as in there’s no physical sexing going on, just virtual.

2. Spending More Than $20,000 On Your Wedding

With the average cost of a wedding currently being $25,500, based on this one then we’re all headed for divorce. Think about this way: You blow all your money before you even enter into your marriage, then you’re immediately setting yourself back financially.

But the funny, or rather annoying part about this one is that the average divorce costs between $15,000 and $20,000.

3. Living In A Red State

Although there’s no reason as to why this exactly is the case (and I’ll refrain from making assumptions based on my liberal bias), but apparently this is true. The states with the highest divorce rate are Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Alaska.

4. Not Going To College

Yes, it’s those with only high school educations who are more likely to split than those who went to college or on to even higher education. The theory behind this is that the more educated you are, the more financially secure you tend to be so you get to avoid all those arguments about money issues.

5. Having A Commute Longer Than 45 Minutes

If you have a commute back and forth to work that’s 45 minutes or longer, then that’s not a good sign.

A 2013 study found that 14 percent of those with a commute of that length or longer ended up choosing divorce because it was just too much stress for partners to bear. If you come home cranky, it doesn’t make for marital bliss.

6. Having A Daughter

What the wha―?!

A 2010 study found that boys make families want to stick together, even through the rocky times, whereas if things become trying and there’s a daughter involved, moms are more likely to leave. Women tend to want to set a good example for their daughters, so they’re less willing to put up with bullshit. Once we put it that way, it’s a good thing.

7. Rolling Your Eyes At Your Partner

Well, of course. I don’t even think we need a study to prove this. However, some people do deserve it. Let’s be honest.

8. Using Social Media Too Much

Between trying to find old flings, flirting with the guy you had a crush on in college, and noticing just how often your partner likes the photos of one particular person, can we even be surprised? More than a few studies in the last few years have blamed Facebook for divorce, with a 2012 study of divorce lawyers in the UK saying it attributed to the one-third of their cases.

9. Marrying Someone Either Way Older Or Way Younger

While there are couples who can handle an age gap, the reality is that sometimes it’s too much. Studies have found that the closer someone is in age to you, the less likely you are to divorce. Once you start getting close to a five year age gap or more, the greater the chance of divorce.

10. Not Being Equal In Household Duties

Although this would not have have been a contributing factor back in Don Draper’s era, who can blame a couple for divorcing over such a thing? However, I would like to point out, McKinley Irvin law firm aside, a study found that people divorce when they do share the chores… but that was in Norway, so maybe it’s different there.


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