Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

What It’s Really Like To Break Up With A Narcissist

reposted from: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-27078/what-its-really-like-to-break-up-with-a-narcissist.html

What It’s Really Like To Break Up With A Narcissist

Annice Star

Photo: Stocksy

February 1, 2017

When you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, everything is about him (or her—but for this article we’ll use “him” as an inclusive pronoun). It’s confusing and exhausting. One day you get it together to leave. You’re finally ready to take the steps required to make your life and energy revolve around you and your needs again. Hooray!
While this is an exciting time, and you are to be congratulated on moving in a positive direction, you also need to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for the adjustment period right after your breakup, which is likely to present some challenges.
All breakups are difficult, but this type is often the hardest. You feel up, then down, over and over—it’s as much of a roller coaster as your relationship itself. Understanding the patterns you are likely to encounter can really help during the early months after a breakup with an emotionally manipulative person. Here’s a list of 10 common patterns plus ways to cope with each one:
1. Obsessing
Trying to have a relationship with a narcissist is nearly impossible, so you spent a lot of time analyzing his behavior and character to try and make sense of the curve balls he kept throwing you. After you leave your abusive relationship, this habitual pattern of analysis will continue until you force it to stop.
What works for me:
Whenever thoughts about what’s wrong with my ex arise, I remind myself that I am no longer concerned with him and force my mind to think about something else. I do this again and again. Most experts say it takes three months to change a habit.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Permalink

photo blog11 Things Every Woman Should Tell Her Gyno

Your feet are already in stirrups–how much more awkward can it really get?
By Casey Gueren, Women’s Health

There are some things that you’d barely consider telling your best friend–let alone your gynecologist. But the truth is, they’ve heard and seen it all. Plus, there are some things that, while embarrassing, could be really vital when it comes to taking care of your sexual and reproductive health. Here, eleven things you should definitely tell your gynecologist: (And while you’re still in the office, don’t forget these 5 Questions You Should be Asking Your Gyno.)

How Many Sexual Partners You’ve Had

Has it been a particularly eventful year? Tell your gyno that–even if she doesn’t ask. She’s not going to judge you, and this is really useful information from a medical standpoint, says ob-gyn Alyssa Dweck, M.D., coauthor of V is For Vagina. “The more information that’s disclosed that seems to be relevant, the more individualized care that can be given.”