Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

What I Would Say To The Man Who Hurt Me, But Didn’t Break Me

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/to-the-boy-who-broke-me/1252041/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=EG&utm_content=1252041

Written by: Dana Shirley


Congratu — f*cking — lations.

You win.

Is that what you’ve been waiting to hear?

I’ll admit to it. You brought me up only to bring me down farther than I’d ever imagined.

I didn’t think I’d be able to pick myself back up.

There were endless nights where I cried myself to sleep.

Does it make you happy knowing that?

You brought out extremely ugly sides to me, which I didn’t even know existed before I met you.

You manipulated me into thinking I was messing up our relationship and was the worst girl in the world. But truth be told, that was all you.

At one point when you left, I thought my world was ending.

It was a long journey, until I realized my world was just beginning.

Because here’s the thing: You’re a f*ckboy.

No girl wants that. I can guarantee you of that.

You let the one person who actually gave a crap about you down and walked away from the best thing that’s ever happened to you.

It took being broken for me to understand my life was just starting.

I now understand what hitting rock bottom feels like, and now that I’m on top of the world, I wouldn’t take it back.

I have goals. Meanwhile, you have no college degree and live with your parents.

Good for you.

I’m not a bad person.

Don’t get me wrong; I have my fair share of flaws, and I’ll admit to that.

I’m emotional and sensitive, but you’ll never find someone who loves you the way I once did.

I would’ve done anything for you, but you made the decision to push me too far.

I don’t hate you and I’d never wish anything bad on you, but I also never care to speak to you again.

The feelings that were once so strong are now long gone.

You have left a scar on me, but scars fade with time. When I have a man who is deserving of my love and attention, I won’t once look back on the memories we had.

You need to learn to grow up. Your 20s are supposed to be fun, but you haven’t matured a bit.

It’s quite pathetic, actually. I almost feel bad for you. Almost.

I never needed you the way I thought I did and I’m proud of who I am. I know it’s not because of you.

No matter the length of time you were in my life — whether it was months or years — your impact on me has changed me, in some bad ways and some good ways.

Unfortunately, I come with baggage now.

But that’s okay because I want someone who accepts me for who I am in every sense, not the way you only accepted the aspects of me you liked.

No one is perfect and neither are you, but you never took the time to truly understand why I am the way I am.

Take a look in the mirror because you have plenty of qualities you should improve on. You should start by being nice.

I decided to take the high road and be the bigger person. I walked away from someone who no longer served a positive purpose in my life.

Although you broke me, I’m standing tall with my head held high.

I’ll admit it took longer than I expected, but I did it.

I’m not thankful for how you treated me. But I’m thankful for the fact that you made me realize I deserve so much more than what you offered (which wasn’t much).

So, here’s to the next chapter. This one is closed

It’s Not You: The 5 Brutally Honest Reasons Your Ex Broke Up With You

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/5-reasons-break-up/1187466/

Written by: Keay Nigel

break up

A few days ago, I received fan mail from a guy who had read my last Elite Daily piece, “The Difference Between Needing, Wanting And Loving.”

What caught my eye wasn’t the length of his email, which was over 2,000 words, but the way he poured his heart out to me, and the heartbreaking details he shared.

He met a woman while he was traveling for work in Asia. The moment they met, they instantly connected. They could talk about anything and everything.

He felt as though some external forces were bringing them together. It all felt right.

It was more than just love at first sight. Even after multiple date nights and several long-distance Skype calls, the attraction between them was unstoppable. It was like they were soulmates, and they had finally found each other.

She had even suggested they involve their parents, and, of course, he agreed.

“My parents would love you!” he told her.

But then, things took an ugly turn when this woman went on this nine day trekking trip. She returned safe and sound, but on the inside, it was like she was a completely different person.

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Why You’ll Regret Giving Up The Girl Who Waited For You To Be Ready

Reposted from:http://elitedaily.com/dating/to-wait-for-you/1102917/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=EG&utm_content=1102917

Written by: Stephanie Nunez


There are very few people in the world who would wait for someone. I know this because very few have for me, and I’m sure far less have for you.

There are very few who would put their lives on hold for another human being, in hopes that the person would one day change and notice what they have in front of them.

Nonetheless, that’s exactly what I did for you.

You were my first real love. I know this because nothing ever compared. When we met, I didn’t want to give in, but when I finally did it was like nothing I ever felt.

We started strong, doing things we never thought we’d do for anyone else. I’d wonder how I ever got so lucky.

Every time we were together it was hard to leave, and when you’d drop me off, we’d spend hours together before I would finally go inside.

The days we didn’t see each other we’d count the hours until we did again, and we’d give in to days that we weren’t planning on seeing each other because we couldn’t handle it anymore.

I started to feel things I didn’t think possible, like jealousy or the need to be with someone every day, and that was scary. We were beautiful, not perfect, but beautiful.

Then it ended.

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It’s All About Timing: Why You’ll Know When He’s Ready To Settle Down

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/guy-ready-settle-down/1254159/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=EG&utm_content=1254159

Written by: Shireen McCleary



7 Reasons the Blunt Friend is the Best Friend You’ll Ever Have

Reprinted from: http://idealist4ever.com/blunt-friend/


1. A blunt person will never shit-talk you.

If you’re friends with a blunt person, it might just be you’re one of those magical species of human that doesn’t get on their nerves or you’re too busy being blunt yourself.

But if they have something to say, you can count on hearing it from them directly, because talking behind their friends’ backs is just not in their nature.

2. They’ll tell you the truth – even if it hurts.

A blunt person holds truth to the highest standard. If there’s something they think you need to hear, they’ll tell you. But be aware, just because you need to hear it, doesn’t mean it’s always what you want to hear.

The good thing about this is that your friendship issues don’t build up and explode. Instead of arguing, you’ll have meaningful and nurturing discussions.

3. A blunt friend doesn’t play passive-aggressive games.

With so many friends who aren’t honest about their feelings or make you feel like you’re walking on eggshells, one thing to take off your list of worries is feeling that way around a blunt person. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

4. They have high moral standards.

People often mistake blunt people for being crude and lacking any morals. But don’t be fooled – they’re blunt because they know exactly what their idea of right and wrong is, without forgetting the grey area.

This actually explains why they act the way they do. Their bluntness is just their reaction to the world’s dishonesty.

5. A blunt person is the most fun to be around.

As if your blunt friend doesn’t make you crack up literally every second of the day, the two of you have the most unforgettable nights when you go out together.

Even if you were drunk and blacked out in the middle of it, it’s never just another night.

6. A blunt friend will teach you how to be a better friend and person.

Blunt people show you that it’s okay to stand up for your beliefs – that there’s no point in hesitating to voice your thoughts and opinions, simply out of the fear that others won’t like it.

Because what’s the point in being alive today if you can’t express yourself?

7. A blunt person’s friendship is pure.

Like pure chocolate pure. A blunt friend’s either with you all the way or they’re not with you at all. They’ll support you through the good and the bad without taking you for granted.

And a little appreciation is all it takes for you to make their day.