Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

Inside The Heart Of A Woman Broken By A Narcissist

Reposted from: https://kiddy.org.uk/inside-the-heart-of-a-woman-broken-by-a-narcissist/

By Kiddy First –
June 29, 2018


He came into her life like the most welcome guest. He was everything she ever wished for…or at least he seemed to be. He walked through her life spreading his charm everywhere. That unexplainable charm… nobody could help themselves but fall for it.

And he left damaging footprints. He stepped on her self-confidence and self-worth so proudly, without any fear that he might harm her. And he did. He created a total mess in her head.
He set a fire and watched it burn. A narcissist broke her soft, fragile heart.
Now, even though this strong woman broke free from that toxic relationship, she can’t put the broken pieces of her heart together. She is still the victim of all the painful memories of the narcissistic abuse.

She feels empty and scared.
She feels lost. She can’t see through the darkness and find the light. She can’t choose the right path. This woman is broken in her thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
She can’t escape her memories; they have been haunting her everywhere. She fears them. She fears her new life. She is even scared to feel, so she avoids everything but fear. Her fear becomes her best company.

She doesn’t trust anyone.
All those manipulations and tortures killed her last bit of hope for a better tomorrow. She lost her faith in people. She is scared to trust anyone. She already trusted and gave her heart to a narcissist.
What did he do? He played a disrespectful game with her heart. She betrayed her trust. Therefore, she is afraid to share her life with someone else.
She is afraid to love again.

This woman believed in a true love, but she was never loved. She was manipulated. She was humiliated. Because of that, she feels she doesn’t deserve to be loved. She feels incapable to give love.
He heart was torn apart. How can a broken heart flutter again with the same warmth? Love has brought her nothing more than pain.

She needs someone who will heal the wounds of her heart.
This woman needs someone who will accept and respect her. A helping hand that will lead her through the dark storm; someone who will fill her heart with love and her spirit with faith and hope.

This woman needs someone with whom she will forget the past and enjoy all the beauty of the present moment. She needs someone who will heal her broken heart and make her whole again.
She needs someone who will show her what real love looks like.
This woman needs someone who will be with her through thick and thin, someone who will never give up on her no matter what happens.
She needs someone who will be everything that the narcissist wasn’t.

To all women whose heart has been broken by a narcissist: You deserve to be loved the right way. Believe in yourself. Keep your head up and your wonderful heart strong.

7 Things to Know Before Dating the Girl With a Soft Heart but an Anxious Mind

Reposted from: http://www.puckermob.com/moblog/7-things-to-know-before-dating-the-girl-with-a-soft-heart-but-an-anxious-mind
By Erica Alisse

To have a soft heart means that she has a big heart.
She’s full of compassion, empathy, and vulnerability. You’ll never find a girl who cares about you as deeply as she will.
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It can be hard to be a soft-hearted girl in this tough world.
This is especially true when her soft heart is deepened by an anxious mind. When the two are combined, her vulnerability makes her overly sensitive and restless. She worries more than she should, and she feels more intensely than most.
It may be hard at times, but she’s definitely worth it.
So, before you date this girl, here are a few things you should know:
1. She’s incredibly fragile. Little things feel monumental to her. Something that may seem petty or insignificant to you may mean the world to her. So please remember to be sensitive, and try to see her side of things.
2. She’s not very good at expressing how she feels. She may try to, but the words never seem to come out right. She’s so scared of hurting your feelings that she tends to hold back, and it often gets misinterpreted or misconstrued.
3. So before you overreact or get mad at her, remember what’s in her heart. Know that she would never ever intentionally do or say anything to hurt you, so please give her the benefit of the doubt before making assumptions.

4. To her, you’re her whole world. When a girl like that falls in love with you, she falls hard. It’s a genuine, life-altering kind of love. You can break her heart with a single comment or action if you aren’t careful.
5. She’s terrified you are going to leave at any moment. She knows she can be hard to deal with at times, and deep down she’s scared she isn’t worth your love. She needs you to remind her regularly how you feel.
6. She gets attached easily. She has a huge heart, and it doesn’t take much for her to let you in it. This goes for everyone and everything she encounters. Her heart bleeds for anyone struggling or hurting, and she’s likely to feel that pain as her own.
7. The worst thing you can do to her is make her feel neglected. She feels the hurt in every corner of her heart. Don’t ever yell or walk out on her, and above all, never give her the silent treatment or push her away. She will think you’re leaving for good, and it will break her heart in a way she may never fully recover from.
So please, if you do find this girl, take care of her precious heart. She is a rare jewel that you won’t be lucky enough to find twice.
Hold her tight and protect her from all the things in this world that might destroy it. Guard her heart with your own, and never ever let her go.

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Cheating

Reposted from: http://www.thetalko.com/15-things-you-didnt-know-about-cheating/?utm_source=TT-KWM-US&utm_medium=Content-Distribution&utm_campaign=TT-KWM&kwp_0=104368&kwp_4=503845&kwp_1=273898

Written by:   in Relationships

They say ‘once a cheater, always a cheater,’ but the truth is there are a lot of reasons people cheat on their significant other. Some people cheat once, and never do it again, while others are serial cheaters. One thing is for sure though– cheating damages relationships, a lot of the time beyond repair. So, why do people do it, even when they know the consequences? Some people have to learn the hard way.

Some argue that human beings aren’t built for monogamy, while others think that’s just an excuse to rationalize bad behavior. But unconventional arrangements like open relationships are on the rise, so maybe one day cheating won’t be the guaranteed relationship killer it has been in the past. For now, here are 15 things you might not have known about infidelity.

15. There are different kinds of love


According to science, there are three different kinds of love. Sex drive refers to how often a person wants sex, romantic love is what makes us direct all our attention towards one person, and attachment is about the level of security we feels towards someone that motivates us to stay with them long term. That means it’s possible for someone to feel romantic love for one person and still be sexually attracted to someone else. Just because someone cheats on their long term partner doesn’t mean they don’t still love them. Which makes motivations for cheating and the consequences of an affair a lot more complicated than you think it is.

14. Rock n’ roll fans are most likely to cheat

Not to make generalizations, but researchers in the UK  found that 41% of people who have cheated list rock music as their favorite genre. Coming in next was pop music at 16%, country music at 11%, classical music at 7%, and hip hop at 2%. Of course, that’s only one tiny aspect of someone’s personality, and it should be taken with a grain of salt. Unless they are the groupie type, music preference probably isn’t a solid indication of a cheater.

13. When a woman cheats, it’s more likely to end the relationship

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10 Signs You Have Perfect Sexual Chemistry

Reposted from: http://www.therichest.com/expensive-lifestyle/lifestyle/10-signs-you-have-perfect-sexual-chemistry/?view=all

Written by: Alex Keobke

10 Signs You Have Perfect Sexual Chemistry

It does not matter how amazing your mental connection may be with someone, your relationship may always feel incomplete if you are not sexually compatible. It is imperative that you know you have the ability to connect with your partner on every level that a healthy relationship requires, and that includes being able to grow sexually with them.

There is nothing wrong with having a high libido, low libido, being asexual or anything in between, but it can be unfair to your partner if your sexual preferences do not line up with their own. The more you connect with your long-term partner, the more you can hope that your sexual chemistry will grow over time. That being said, there still needs to be that physical attraction in your relationship or you’ll have fears that they are thinking the worst during moments of intimacy.

It is important to also know that it’s okay to not always know your preferences or what will make you sexually compatible with one person but not another. The best thing you can do is to be honest with yourself in what your desires are for a partner, and make sure that you do not spend time in an unhealthy relationship. If you are left in an unhealthy sexual dynamic for too long, you may start to feel like that is the expected pattern in a relationship and it can be damaging even after the relationship ends.

If the sexual chemistry with your current partner is strong, it may have been something that you picked up on within moments of your first date. It may have been made all the clearer by a passionate kiss that made you swoon. There may be many reasons as to why you think your partner is the bee’s knees in the bedroom, here are 10 of them.

10. You Can Laugh

I know it doesn’t look like it in the romance movies, but sexuality is not always going to be a smooth area of your life and can bring with it unexpected moments. As a result, one of the most important things to remember in regards to sexuality is that it is supposed to be something that is fun. You absolutely need to be safe, but you may find your perfect partner when you know you’re able to laugh at something ridiculous that may happen in the heat of the moment. Intimacy can sometimes lead to some involuntary noises, and knowing you can both relax goes a long way to ensuring excellent sexual chemistry.

9. You’re Physical Outside Of Bed

Sometimes the best foreplay takes place far away from the bed. A great sign of how compatible you are is how affectionate you can be in everyday life. Little gestures like hands on the small of your back, or cuddling close on the couch even if sex is not imminent can be a great way to make any physical actions a smoother transition, as well as make it a  comfortable extension of your relationship. Not to mention that if you are constantly physical, even in little ways, it will limit the chance that your relationship will feel more like roomates living together than a real relationship. Plus, if you feel awkward just touching your partner in everyday life, good luck once you get them naked!

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