Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

Love Or Nothing: Why I Can Never Be ‘Just Friends’ With You

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/dont-want-to-be-friends/1203631/

Written by: Sandy Reitman

just friends

You’ve been dating him for a while. Long enough that you’re really invested. He knows all of you. You know each other so well and so intimately.

Maybe you’ve lived together or shared holidays; maybe you’ve traveled together, or you’ve got a routine down. You know what he’ll order off a menu, and he knows what you like to drink. He gets you, and you get him.

But now, your relationship is coming to an end, and you have to have the dreaded breakup conversation (insert eye roll here). He tells you why he doesn’t want to be with you anymore, and you agree on some level.

You knew it wasn’t totally working, but this sucks. At the end of it all, you know you’re breaking up, but he insists he “still wants to be friends.”

Friends, huh? FRIENDS? Like one of those friends you play videos games with and draft your fantasy football team with? Or the friends you usually forget to call back? The kind of friends you only see at weddings or the ones you hang with on the reg?

We’re “friends” who just spent the last few months — or years — dating and really getting to know each other. Getting to know each other’s families, psychoses and idiosyncrasies. We were more than just friends — we were lovers.

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15 Things Happen When You Give Up Control

Reposted from: http://lauradoyle.org/blog/give-up-control/

Written by: Laura Doyle

Give Up Control

15 Things Happen When You Give Up Control

The World-Famous System for Relinquishing Control has Unexpected Side Effects

What happens when 18 women tell the up-close and personal story of how their marriages were struggling in some way, and describe exactly how they stopped controlling to restore the passion and playfulness?

First, you get an inspiring book of best practices for a playful, passionate marriage, which you can then apply to your own relationship.

Second, some other patterns emerge.

Let’s say you’re in the habit of giving your husband “helpful suggestions,” like all of us were.

Or maybe you’re less subtle about it, and you just come right out and tell him what to do, like we also did.

And let’s say that one day you decide to stop controlling…

Then what?

Here’s what we found out by putting all the first-hand accounts together in the book Surrendered Wives Empowered Women: Inspiring True Stories of Women Who Made Their Relationships Intimate, Passionate and Peaceful Again: As soon as you stop controlling your guy, your relationship gets so much better!

AND all of this happens too…

1) You discover your real purpose in the world.

This one is obvious if you think about it.

Being the arm-chair critic of your man’s life is a big distraction from your own life, which you’re not paying attention to when you’re trying to control him.

It’s like your life is riding around in a car with no one at the wheel, maybe faking an injury so it can get some attention.

What emerged is that as we stopped focusing on him, our real purpose in the world was there waiting for us, calling us to come out of hiding.

Relinquishing inappropriate control led us to the joy of doing what we were born to do.

2) You regain your dignity.

None of us liked feeling like our mother on her worst day.

The part where you keep calm and carry on like a Londoner during The Battle of Britain in WWII? Surprisingly gratifying.

3) You get a lot more energy.

Controlling someone you can’t control is exhausting.

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17 Pieces Of Advice From People Who’ve Gotten Out Of Toxic Relationships

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/advice-from-toxic-relationships/1247518/

Written by: Alexia LaFata


When you’re stuck in a sh*tty relationship, it’s hard to know what to do.

You love this person. You’ve invested so much time in this person. But ultimately, the relationship is leaving you with more misery than joy, and you know you have to end it.

Finding the strength to do so, however, can be tough.

What has to happen for you to finally be pushed over the edge? What insult, teardown or mind f*ck does this person have to throw at you for you to find it in you to tell him to go away forever?

Or is your heart so wrapped up in the fantasy of the person you know he’s capable of being that you simply can’t fathom EVER giving up, no matter how poorly he treats you?

When it comes to matters of the heart and soul, there’s no easy answer. Recently, I talked to some people about their worst, most toxic relationships ever and the moment they knew they had to get out of it.

They have some advice for you.

Know your worth.

Please, get out. Know your worth. You are amazing, and he is a sac of hairy, smelly balls. Someone better is out there. Please, just don’t do this to yourself.

–Marie, 22

Your mental health is more important than trying to fix his.

–Kelli, 22

LIFE IS SHORT. Seriously. We all have the feeling sometimes that we don’t want to hurt anyone, and we can stick it out. Maybe things will change. But if it’s in your heart that something is not going to work out, don’t waste your time, and don’t waste your partner’s. It might be hard, but staying in a terrible relationship is not doing either of you any favors.

–Christiana*, 23

It’s not worth it.

Consistent sex is never worth the stress. Girls will always be there, and just as easily as you convinced yourself that you cannot live without your partner, you can just as easily get comfortable with being single.

Also people tend not to change, so if you like dealing with the bullsh*t, then don’t lie to yourself and call your relationship terrible because you secretly like arguing and all that. Also, if you’re going to break up, do it in person or over a call. Texting is for soft ass dudes.

–Farmsworth*, 24

That no relationship is worth that kind of trauma. You need to value yourself enough to know you deserve more. Someone who really loves you doesn’t want to hurt you.

–Gina*, 25

Get out of it now. It might be the harder short-term decision to make, but you’ll be saving yourself a lot of misery in the long-term. The sooner you end it, the sooner you can start getting over it… and the closer you are to a better life.

–Lucky*, 25

People don’t change.

It’s really, really rare for someone to be able to change dramatically enough to make a difference.

–Jen*, 25

Leave that person immediately; it’s not gonna get better. Ever. People rarely change, and they most certainly don’t change FOR YOU. And if you think that’s what you deserve, think again. It can always be better.

Like, don’t let anyone treat you like sh*t or give up on true love just because some idiot hurt you or made you think this is all you’ll ever get. If this is all you know, all you have — let go, and understand that you don’t have to suffer.

Be f*cking picky. After all, letting the wrong people into your life will do more damage than good.

–Farina, 18

Get the f*ck out. See the light, before that girl goes “Gone Girl” on your ass and, you’re in it for good. Nobody wants a “Gone Girl” situation on his hands.

–Michael*, 26

Your friends know best.

If everyone around you is telling you this is dysfunctional, it’s PROBABLY dysfuctional. Do not minimize the opinions of those who know you the best.

–Gina, 22

That is actually going on right now. I told him “Mate, I want to see you happy, and if that is with this girl, then I will support you. But you’re not happy. You know it. I know it. We both know what you have to do, but it is up to you to decide whether you want to or not.”

–Jordy, 23

Unfortunately, most people don’t see how bad things are from the outside, even when someone points it out to them — it’s one of those things you just have to let people figure out for themselves.

If I were really worried about a friend — say, her BAE is rude to others, or he’s cheating on her, or I’m worried that he’s being abusive or controlling — I’d stage some kind of intervention. But I think most of the time, you just have to be there for your friend while she sorts it out.

–Katie, 22

I’d say, “Girl, I’ve been there (I hung on for three-plus years), and I get it, but you’re being real f*cking dumb.”

–Katie*, 23


GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN! The longer you stay in it, the more hurt you’ll be when it ends (Oh, and it WILL end. Beat him to the punch).

–Sheena, 25

Break up with him or her if you feel this way sooner than later. If you can’t do that, then just wait him or her out — a person like that can’t be patient.

–James*, 23

Get the f*ck out. If you have to think about if you should still be in the relationship, you shouldn’t be in the relationship.

–Lauren, 20

I’d say run while you can!

–Sammy*, 22

7 Kinds of People You Definitely WANT to Marry

Reposted from: http://www.beliefnet.com/Love-Family/Relationships/Marriage/7-Kinds-of-People-You-Definitely-Want-to-Marry.aspx?utm_source=JesusChristPageDeskMarryKindSEPT&utm_medium=paid_distribution&utm_campaign=GlobalScope#

Throwing aside the proverbial “must-have” list generally compiled by every romantic comedy film, these qualities for a marriage are much richer and much deeper than liking the same kind of pizza topping. Like many fine things in life, relationships are at their best when they have time to develop and mature. Here are the seven kinds of people that are definitely the marrying kind.

The Kind Who Prays for You and With You

Coming together in prayer before Jesus is one of the most intimate and powerful things you can do together. Marrying someone that lifts you up in prayer every day is the greatest blessing you can possibly receive. With divorce rates on the rise across America, the absolute greatest defense in sustaining a long and happy marriage is to be armed in prayer. “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Psalm 145:18

The Kind That Supports & Helps You

This is what it’s all about. There are going to be several days when you just can’t put one foot in front of the other or you can’t quite get it together—it’s in these sweet moments that you partner is there to brace your fall, help you pick up the pieces or hold you up.

The Kind That Is Your Best Friend

Friendship is a vital ingredient in a successful marriage. It can’t be stressed enough. An instant “love connection” is great, but after a few years, you’ll definitely need a best friend for those moments in life when you need to laugh and when you need to cry. Someone you can talk with about anything and everything and someone you can have no uncomfortable silence with. The whole “in sickness and in health, for better or for worse” plays out a LOT better when you are married to your best friend.

The Kind That Believes in You

With so many things in this world vying to destroy our faith and confidence, having a partner to reenforce their belief in you will enrich your life and relationship. Also, and most importantly, God has called us to, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

The Kind That Puts Themselves Second

When you have a partner willing to put themselves second, they are showing their love for you in the purest form. “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3

The Kind Who Respects You

Lack of respect in a marriage will absolutely destroy it. It is the cornerstone of a relationship and a total necessity. Good communication, trust and admiration are all built on a foundation of respect.

The Kind That Loves You

This list wouldn’t be accurate if it didn’t include the glue that holds all the others together: LOVE. It’s God’s greatest design for us and His greatest commandment, so it’s no surprise that it’s the very essence of what marriage is. When you find someone that loves you without condition, you’ve truly found yourself a treasure. “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8


The Difference Between The Girls I’ve Dated And The Woman I’ll Marry

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/girls-dated-woman-marry/1297339/

Written by: Paul Hudson


I have a confession to make: I’ve lost count of the number of women I’ve dated, slept with, hung out with and fallen for.

I don’t believe there’s a problem with taking the time to explore both your sexuality and your capacity for love. But eventually, you lose a reason to continue on the same path. You keep telling yourself that everyone is special, but you know that’s bullshit. If everyone were special, no one would be special.

Back when I was questioning whether or not the greatest love of my life was the greatest love I could possibly find, I remember thinking I needed to take time to explore. I needed time to date, to f*ck, to party, to let loose and live. To YOLO and other crap like that.

So I did. I dated, f*cked and partied like there was no tomorrow. Do I regret it? Sometimes. I don’t regret meeting all those women and getting to know them (some better than others). But I do regret thinking that I needed something that I didn’t need.

I definitely wanted all of this at the time. I wanted everything so bad that I decided to end an amazing relationship. I embraced the young, dumb, filled-with-testosterone lifestyle — the life of a 20-something male — in the real Sin City: Manhattan.

The city treated me very well. There were models. Dancers. Strippers. FIT students. Life was good — hell, it was great. Until, of course, I wised up.

For some men, getting laid is enough. Not for all, but for many. Maybe even for most.

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