Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

Us Against The World: 11 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Marriage

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/11-things-wish-someone-told-marriage/926503/

Written by: Liz Spornick in Dating


When you get engaged, be prepared for everyone around — from friends to strangers — to tell you, “The first year of marriage is the hardest.” They just won’t shut up about it.

I’m here to tell you it’s not true.

I mean, yes, I am sure that some couples have a really hard time adjusting to married life — especially couples who haven’t known each other long or haven’t lived together — but in the grand scheme of things, if you’re ready to stand up in front of your closest loved ones and pledge your life, love and finances to someone you genuinely love, chances are you can figure out who should unload the dishwasher without it becoming a thing.

I’ve been married for a year and a half, and with so many of my friends engaged and knee-deep in Pinterest, I’ve been thinking about the things I wish I knew about getting married before it happened — from wedding planning to actually, you know, being a wife.

So, in honor of paying it forward, these are the top 11 things I wished someone told me about marriage.

1. The first year is the absolute BEST.

You guys did it, and it’s awesome. Don’t go into the first year of marriage prepared for the worst because it’ll turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Remember, if sh*t hits the fan, you’re married now, and you promised to weather storms together. That is exactly what you’ll do; there really is strength in numbers.

2. You’re probably more selfish than you realized.

When you’re dating or even engaged, your life is still just that: YOURS. After you say “I do,” you’re legally bound to consider your husband or wife’s needs, wants and life as just as important as yours, if not more.

For me, this has been a bit of an uncomfortable spotlight on areas in my life where I still think as “me” instead of “we.”

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He Must Be Dead: 83 Totally Legitimate Reasons He’s Not Texting Back

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/reasons-hes-not-texting/1143283/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=EG&utm_content=1143283

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not texting back

So you just sent him the best text ever created by (wo)man. And what do you get? CRICKETS.

That’s right. This mother f*cker just ghosted you.

But… you rock! There’s no way he’s actually ghosting you.

In fact, you convince yourself of precisely 84 TOTALLY LOGICAL reasons as to why he’s not giving you a prompt reply.

1. He lost his phone, and now he’s freaking out because he can’t respond to me. Poor guy.

2. My text wasn’t necessarily the type of text you HAVE to respond to.

3. He’s just not a good texter.

4. He’s probably hammered at a party or something.

5. He respects me too much, so he didn’t want to text me while he’s drunk.

6. He travels a lot for work; he probably had to get out of town last minute.

7. He’s with his family.

8. He’s on the phone telling his mom about me right now.

9. He ran into his ex and freaked out because he didn’t want her to see him texting the new love of his life.

10. He’s trying to think of the PERFECT response.

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7 Kinds of People You Definitely WANT to Marry

Reposted from: http://www.beliefnet.com/Love-Family/Relationships/Marriage/7-Kinds-of-People-You-Definitely-Want-to-Marry.aspx?utm_source=JesusChristPageMobileMarryKindSEPT&utm_medium=paid_distribution&utm_campaign=GlobalScope

Throwing aside the proverbial “must-have” list generally compiled by every romantic comedy film, these qualities for a marriage are much richer and much deeper than liking the same kind of pizza topping. Like many fine things in life, relationships are at their best when they have time to develop and mature. Here are the seven kinds of people that are definitely the marrying kind
The Kind Who Prays for You and With You
Coming together in prayer before Jesus is one of the most intimate and powerful things you can do together. Marrying someone that lifts you up in prayer every day is the greatest blessing you can possibly receive. With divorce rates on the rise across America, the absolute greatest defense in sustaining a long and happy marriage is to be armed in prayer. “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Psalm 145:18

The Kind That Supports & Helps You

This is what it’s all about. There are going to be several days when you just can’t put one foot in front of the other or you can’t quite get it together—it’s in these sweet moments that you partner is there to brace your fall, help you pick up the pieces or hold you up.

The Kind That Is Your Best Friend

Friendship is a vital ingredient in a successful marriage. It can’t be stressed enough. An instant “love connection” is great, but after a few years, you’ll definitely need a best friend for those moments in life when you need to laugh and when you need to cry. Someone you can talk with about anything and everything and someone you can have no uncomfortable silence with. The whole “in sickness and in health, for better or for worse” plays out a LOT better when you are married to your best friend.

The Kind That Believes in You

With so many things in this world vying to destroy our faith and confidence, having a partner to reenforce their belief in you will enrich your life and relationship. Also, and most importantly, God has called us to, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

The Kind That Puts Themselves Second

When you have a partner willing to put themselves second, they are showing their love for you in the purest form. “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3

The Kind Who Respects You

Lack of respect in a marriage will absolutely destroy it. It is the cornerstone of a relationship and a total necessity. Good communication, trust and admiration are all built on a foundation of respect.

The Kind That Loves You

This list wouldn’t be accurate if it didn’t include the glue that holds all the others together: LOVE. It’s God’s greatest design for us and His greatest commandment, so it’s no surprise that it’s the very essence of what marriage is. When you find someone that loves you without condition, you’ve truly found yourself a treasure. “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8

What Happens When You Stay Single For Too Long

Reposted from: http://www.mode.com/stories/what-happens-when-you-stay-single-for-too-long/10400920

Reposted from: Jamie Rae

Let’s face it, if you go years and years without being in a committed relationship, you’re probably going to become a little selfish. Single people have much less emotional responsibility and can pretty much do whatever they want. But while the endless brigades of self-love and ‘me’ time are valuable, you will probably start to think you’re the centre of the universe pretty quickly.

It’s very likely that someone who has been single for a long time it’s because they’re too picky. Being picky to a certain degree is a good thing because it shows that you value yourself and you aren’t willing to settle. So people who have been single for a long time become less and less reliant on relationships, thus more and more picky. Unfortunately there are no perfect relationships out there.

Now continuing on with the too picky point: if you’ve been so long without a relationship, you may be scared of getting into one after being out of the game for so long. For this reason you might run for the hills at the first sign of adversity, or after the first quirk or dark characteristic of your new partner is revealed. Instead of working at it, you will be more inclined to just give up.
It’s possible that if you go so long without being vulnerable or putting yourself out there, you are going to run the risk of closing yourself off. Particularly the older you get, the harder it will be to let someone in. This might even result in a fear of intimacy, difficulty creating and maintaining intimate relationships, as well as a fear of commitment. Intimacy takes practice.
This is a big one for people that have been so long without a relationship: you forget what it’s like to coexist with another person. Single people have grown so used to doing their favourite thing every single time. They can do whatever they want, whenever they want, and basically operate on their own schedule all the time. Relationships are about learning to communicate and coexist together.
When you’re single for a long time you can sometimes lose some of your capacity and habits for caring for other people. And you can’t find true happiness until you learn how to care more for others than you do yourself. Being in a relationship is going to help you to learn how to not be so obsessed with what is going on with you all the time and care about someone else’s life every now and again.
Okay, now that this chronically single person is finally involved in an exclusive relationship, their hard work is only beginning. If you have been single for so long then you haven’t had to worry about how your behaviour is going to affect someone else. Until now of course. This can result in a few bumps, as how you act when you’re single is much different than how you act in a relationship.

11 Signs You May Be Dating A Sociopath

Reposted from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/23/11-signs-dating-a-sociopath_n_3780417.html

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Could that amazing new person you or a loved one is dating actually be a sociopath? It’s not as far-fetched as you might imagine. Roughly one in 25 Americans is a sociopath, according to Harvard psychologist Dr. Martha Stout, author of The Sociopath Next Door.

Of course, not all sociopaths are dangerous criminals. But they certainly can make life difficult, given that the defining characteristic of sociopathy is antisocial behavior.

Here are 11 RED FLAGS to look out for:

RED FLAG #1. Having an oversized ego.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) notes that sociopaths have an inflated sense of self. They are narcissists to the extreme, with a huge sense of entitlement, Dr. Seth Meyers, a clinical psychologist with the L.A. County Department of Mental Health, wrote for Psychology Today. They tend to blame others for their own failures.

RED FLAG #2. Lying and exhibiting manipulative behavior.

Sociopaths use deceit and manipulation on a regular basis. Why? “Lying for the sake of lying. Lying just to see whether you can trick people. And sometimes telling larger lies to get larger effects,” Dr. Stout told Interview Magazine.

RED FLAG #3. Exhibiting a lack of empathy.

“They don’t really have the meaningful emotional inner worlds that most people have and perhaps because of that they can’t really imagine or feel the emotional worlds of other people,” M. E. Thomas, a diagnosed sociopath and author of Confessions Of A Sociopath, told NPR. “It’s very foreign to them.”

RED FLAG #4. Showing a lack of remorse or shame.

The DSM-V entry on antisocial personality disorder indicates that sociopaths lack remorse, guilt or shame.

RED FLAG #5. Staying eerily calm in scary or dangerous situations.

A sociopath might not be anxious following a car accident, for instance, M.E. Thomas said. And experiments have shown that while normal people show fear when they see disturbing images or are threatened with electric shocks, sociopaths tend not to.
person car accident

RED FLAG #6. Behaving irresponsibly or with extreme impulsivity.

Sociopaths bounce from goal to goal, and act on the spur of the moment, according to the DSM. They can be irresponsible when it comes to their finances and their obligations to other people.

RED FLAG #7. Having few friends.

Sociopaths tend not to have friends–not real ones, anyway. “Sociopaths don’t want friends, unless they need them. Or all of their friends are superficially connected with them, friends by association,” psychotherapist Ross Rosenberg, author of the Human Magnet Syndrome, told The Huffington Post.

RED FLAG #8. Being charming–but only superfically.

Sociopaths can be very charismatic and friendly — because they know it will help them get what they want. “They are expert con artists and always have a secret agenda,” Rosenberg said. “People are so amazed when they find that someone is a sociopath because they’re so amazingly effective at blending in. They’re masters of disguise. Their main tool to keep them from being discovered is a creation of an outer personality.”

As M.E. Thomas described in a post for Psychology Today: “You would like me if you met me. I have the kind of smile that is common among television show characters and rare in real life, perfect in its sparkly teeth dimensions and ability to express pleasant invitation.”

RED FLAG #9. Living by the “pleasure principle.”

“If it feels good and they are able to avoid consequences, they will do it! They live their life in the fast lane — to the extreme — seeking stimulation, excitement and pleasure from wherever they can get it,” Rosenberg wrote in Human Magnet Syndrome.


RED FLAG #10. Showing disregard for societal norms.

They break rules and laws because they don’t believe society’s rules apply to them, psychiatrist Dr. Dale Archer wrote in a blog on Psychology Today.

RED FLAG #11. Having “intense” eyes.

Sociopaths have no problem with maintaining uninterrupted eye contact. “Our failure to look away politely is also perceived as being aggressive or seductive,” M.E. Thomas wrote for Psychology Today.