Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

21 Reasons Why Wine Drunk Will Always Be Your Favorite Drunk

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/women/wine-drunk-best-drunk-will-ever/876374/

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image by: Tumblr

Women and wine — it’s perhaps the closest and most fun relationship out there. It’s stable, strong and reliable.

Wine is there to comfort you in the toughest of times and the most exciting of celebrations. Perhaps this is why women love wine in the first place — there is always a time for it.

Whether you are drowning your sorrows from yet another miserable day at the office or celebrating your most recent promotion, you know exactly what you are doing at the end of the day — that’s right, cracking open (or twisting off the cap of) a fresh bottle of vino.

So why is a wine drunk better than any other type of drunk out there?

1. It makes you feel classy

You could be bundled up in your sweatpants and underneath a blanket, but as long as you have a full glass of wine in hand, you’ve never felt classier.

You could be celebrating with tequila shots, but your classy ass goes straight for the vino.

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18 Qualities Every Alpha Woman Should Look For In A Boyfriend

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/alpha-woman-should-look-for-in-a-boyfriend/899441/

Written by:

Joanna Kitchener

Photo by: Joanna Kitchener

The Alpha Female is a strong, majestic female. She can often be intimidating to those around her and isn’t afraid to ask for what she wants. She’s killing it in her career and has a solid group of friends to rely on.

There’s nothing quite as brilliant as a woman with confidence and ambition. She isn’t scared to put people in their place should they do her dirty, nor is she willing to put up with anyone else’s sh*t. She simply doesn’t have the time.

A strong Alpha Woman needs a man who’s her equal, her partner, her greatest supporter. By definition, you’d think that she should want an Alpha Male, but he can provide only passion, not steadiness. She also doesn’t get along with Beta Males because they’re too weak to keep her or pique her interest.

So, who’s right for the mighty Alpha Female? What kind of man can keep her grounded while still challenging her to grow and be the best she can?

May I introduce Type Z: a man who’s equal parts solid and charismatic. He’s her rock, her foundation. He’s not intimidated by her successes nor would he allow her to walk all over him. He’s true to himself and true to her.

An Alpha Woman knows what she needs to have a sturdy partnership with a man who’ll be her ally, her confidant and her best friend.

These are 18 qualities every Alpha Female should look for in a boyfriend:

1. He’s someone who can tease you and also be teased.

He’d never be malicious or say something  to hurt your feelings, but he can give a joke just as well as you can.

You know each other well enough to know when you’ve crossed the line, but your shared love of sarcasm and your knowledge of each other’s weak spots make teasing fun — never threatening.

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15 Things To Start Doing In 2015

Reposted from: http://latteswithlipstick.com/2014/12/31/15-things-to-start-doing-in-2015/


1- Drink more water

Your skin will glow and you’ll shed some pounds. Just do it.

2- Stop trying to please everyone.

It’s like running a race with no finish line. You will NEVER accomplish it and you will just become exhausted in the meantime. You don’t like everyone and not everyone will like you. Let that be and spend time with people who like the real you.

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8 Marriage-Killing Mistakes Women Make (Yes, You Too)

Reposted from: https://www.yahoo.com/style/8-marriage-killing-mistakes-women-make-yes-you-106616356053.html

By : Your Tango

8 Marriage-Killing Mistakes Women Make (Yes, You Too)

Photo Credit: iStock

By Debra Macleod

I can’t tell you how many unhappy husbands I’ve seen in my office over the past decade or so. They present with all kinds of issues—from infidelity, to in-law troubles, and everything in between.

Yet, despite the variety of marriage problems that can arise, there are some complaints that are so prevalent and common that they warrant being singled out.

Related: Feeling Hopeless? Here’s How To Save Your Marriage

Below are eight of the most common complaints that unhappy husbands make about their wives. Read them. Believe them. Stop them:

1. You’re a grump.

When you speak to your husband, your voice tone is full of negativity, contempt and criticism. If he tries to express a concern or complaint about the marriage, you rise up in angry defensiveness and throw the blame back on him instead of hearing him out.

2. You’re a nag.

If your husband has a free moment, you pounce on him and order him to fix something around the house. If he goes out with friends, you text him incessantly, asking when he’ll be home. Basically, you’re a matrimonial version of the micro-managing boss.

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13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

Reposted from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/amy-morin/13-things-mentally-strong_b_6341412.html

Written by:   –Psychotherapist


We often hear advice like, “Think positive and good things will happen,” or “Try your hardest and eventually things will work out.” While these words of wisdom certainly have merit, what may seem like well meaning suggestions won’t help you reach your goals if you’re simultaneously engaging in unhealthy behavior. Recognizing and replacing the unhealthy thoughts, behaviors, and feelings that may be sabotaging your best efforts is the key to building mental strength.

Try comparing mental strength to physical strength. While a bodybuilder maintains his physique with good habits, like going to the gym, it’s equally important for that bodybuilder to get rid of unhealthy habits, like eating junk food. An exercise regimen won’t be effective in building lean muscle unless unhealthy eating habits are also eliminated.

Similarly, building mental muscle requires hard work, dedication and exercise. In addition to adopting healthy habits, avoiding detrimental habits, like negative thoughts, unproductive behavior, and self-destructive emotions, is also essential.

Whether you’re working on becoming a more patient parent or you’re striving to become an elite athlete, building mental strength will help you reach your goals. Learn to identify the common pitfalls that you’re prone to and practice exercises that will help you become your best self.
Here are the 13 things mentally strong people don’t do:

1. Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves
Many of life’s problems and sorrows are inevitable, but feeling sorry for yourself is a choice. Whether you’re struggling to pay your bills or you’re dealing with unexplained health problems, indulging in self-pity won’t fix your problems. If you’re prone to feeling sorry for yourself when the going gets rough, train your brain to exchange self-pity for gratitude. Mentally strong people don’t waste their time and energy thinking about the problem, instead they focus on creating a solution.

2. Give Away Their Power
It can be very tempting to blame other people for our problems and circumstances. Thinking things like, “My mother-in-law upsets me,” or “My boss makes me feel bad about myself,” gives others power over us. Take back your power by accepting full responsibility for how you think, feel, and behave. Empowering yourself is an essential component to building mental strength and creating the kind of life you want.

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