Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

Lawsuit: Popular, low-cost wines contain high levels of arsenic

For all the ladies who love their wine, like me, please take note: 3/19/2015

Reposted from: http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2015/03/19/lawsuit-alleges-wineries-failed-to-warn-consumers-of-arsenic-tainted-wine/

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — A proposed class action lawsuit alleges consumers face a serious health threat from dozens of California wineries due to “extremely elevated” levels of poisonous inorganic arsenic, attorneys announced Thursday.

The complaint filed in Los Angeles Superior Court alleges 28 wineries – including popular brands such as Sutter Home, Charles Shaw, and Beringer – are violating state law by knowingly producing, marketing and selling arsenic- contaminated wine and failing to warn consumers about the potential danger.

Plaintiffs Doris Charles, Alvin Jones, Jason Peltier and Jennifer Peltier allege that, in some cases, the wineries produce and market wines that contain “up to 500 percent or more than what is considered the maximum acceptable safe daily intake limit”.

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10 Shocking Facts About Kissing

Reposted from: http://www.answers.com/article/1262307/10-shocking-facts-about-kissing?paramt=null&param4=fb-us-mo-beauty&param1=healthfacts&param2=45799921&param5=10152374238916186&param6=45884261#slide=1

The Head Tilt

Scientists in Germany with nothing better to do studied kissing couples and found that about two-thirds tilt their head to the right before a kiss.

They came to this conclusion after studying 224 couples in Germany, Turkey, and the U.S.

Hmmm… We’re wondering if it has anything to do with being a left or right-handed. What do you think?

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Your husband has 5 basic needs. Are you meeting them?

Reposted from: http://www.familyshare.com/marriage/your-husband-has-5-basic-needs-are-you-meeting-them?LoveFamily

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  • The key to a successful marriage is unselfishness. If you can put your spouse’s needs above your own, you are on the right track. Having the desire to fulfill your husband’s needs is in no way submitting yourself to an inferior role as a wife. If you truly love your spouse, then you want to make him happy, and these five things generally make men happy — simple as that.

    Every man’s needs are different; however, according to Willard F. Harley Jr., most men have the same basic needs. While each person is unique, these needs are what most men pick on average.

  • Recreational companionship

    My husband and I are a classic example of a couple with hardly anything in common, especially when it comes to hobbies. We enjoy doing our own things — which can be good in a marriage. But when we spend time together doing what he likes, it’s often a win-win. Spending the evening golfing with my husband was never something I would have chosen, but I ended up having a great time. In fact, it was one of the best dates I have ever been on. Show your husband you care about him by showing some interest in his hobbies. He may even return the favor and spend the day doing what you want to do!

  • Sexual fulfillment

    This can be a touchy subject, but it’s an important one. One thing my husband and I have learned is to never treat intimacy like a game — to never withhold it as punishment. Doing so only intensifies feelings of negativity and resentment. Intimacy brings couples together better than anything, and if it’s important to your husband, it needs to be important to you. Whether or not marital intimacy is special depends on the attitude and effort of those involved.

  • Admiration

    In a healthy relationship, your husband is doing his part — whether that’s having a career, going to school, staying home with children, etc. Most of his actions may go unnoticed. For example, my husband works 8-10 hours a day, then spends his evenings going to school or doing homework. You may not physically see how much your husband does for your family every day, which can make his efforts easier to forget — out of sight, out of mind. Remember, as often as possible, show and tell your husband how much you love and appreciate all he does for you.

  • Domestic support

    Domestic support involves the creation of a peaceful and well-managed home environment. You and your husband may share household chores and other home responsibilities equally, or your husband may need you to handle these responsibilities more often if he is busy handling others. Again, in a healthy relationship, your husband should be doing his part. If this is the case, fulfill hubby’s needs by cooking meals, washing dishes, keeping your home clean, etc.

  • An attractive spouse

    As a wife of almost 12 years, I know how familiar and comfortable wives can get with their husbands — which is great. As a mother of four, I know how easy it is to stay in my pajamas all day, how luxurious it is to wait and shower when I actually have five minutes of privacy. Some days are like that, and that’s OK, but don’t let this type of thing become a habit. Put effort into making yourself attractive to your spouse. If you don’t see your husband until he walks in the door 30 seconds before dinnertime, schedule a few minutes beforehand to freshen yourself up. I started doing this a couple years ago and noticed a positive difference in my husband’s mood when he came home. Bonus: it makes me feel great, too.

    Examining these five needs is a great way to look deeper into your marriage to determine your husband’s individual needs. Whether a marriage is in trouble or not, when spouses fulfill each other’s needs, the marriage becomes stronger.





Here’s What Thigh Gaps Looked Like in 1945

Reposted from: http://www.worldlifestyle.com/beauty-style/here-s-what-thigh-gaps-looked-like-in-1945?utm_source=yahoo&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=thighgaps1945

Written by Linda Barsi

Beauty Pageant 1945 No Thigh Gap Miss New York City

Just a thought, but we might be worrying for nothing. As you can see from this photo of 1945 Miss America finalists, none of these women have thigh gaps. Not-a-one:

From left to right, we have 1945 beauty queens Lee M. Wieland (Miss Chicago), Barbara Lee Smith (Miss Detroit), Bess Myerson (Miss New York City), Phyllis Mathis (Miss San Diego), Gloria Naomi Bair (Miss Philadelphia), Claire Thibadeau (Miss Boston), and Frances Lanell Dorn (Miss Birmingham). [Photo via News-Record.com]

The picture above made it to the front page of Reddit today (simply titled “Miss America 1945 Contestants”) and I was pleased to see someone else commented on the post with the same thought I had:

“None of them are thin by today’s standards. Not a ‘thigh gap’ among them.”




10 Weird, Unexpected Factors That Determine Who You Fall For

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/10-weird-unexpected-factors-determine-fall/943070/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=EG&utm_content=EG_W2_943070

Written by: Alexia LaFata


At this point in our lives, we’re all pretty familiar with the kinds of people to whom we’re attracted.

We have a preferred hair color, a preferred personality type, and a set of deal-makers (“You hate Pitbull, too?!”) and deal-breakers (“His breath smells like someone crawled into his mouth and died. I can’t.”).

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