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Written by: Sam Stryker
Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support
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Written by: Sam Stryker
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Written by: Lifestyle February 2015
I don’t know who’s to blame for creating a generation of over-thinkers, but I blame…someone. I think. Maybe it’s ’cause we’re overly sensitive and wicked smart? Could that be why we’re so introspective? But whatever – we cool, we cool.
If you’re an over-thinker you might relate to and understand at least one of these things:
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Written by: Ashley Fern
The type of exercise a girl chooses to spend her time doing speaks volumes about the kind of person she is.
Yogis have a distinct set of qualities to them, as well as weight lifters and cardio-lovers. But there is one type of exercise that has created a craze around it — and that is spinning.
Cycling has developed quite the cult following and with good reason.
Everyone knows how difficult it is to stay motivated while doing cardio, which is why you find so many people watching Netflix while hiking a treadmill. Just me? No way.
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Why is it that we remember some things so vividly and others not at all? Some things we remember in such perfect detail that we can almost relive that moment in our minds, over and over again.
At the same time, we’ll have difficulty remembering the name of that person we met three minutes ago. Clearly it isn’t only the happiest memories that follow us through life, but also the most horrible memories – those memories that haunt us no matter how hard we try to forget them.
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Written by: Rachel Francis
Next month I will be 26, and over the past few years, I have changed. I’ve matured, I have become responsible, professional and reached a bit of success career-wise. After college ended and I experienced true independence, I started to find happiness in different things. I traded in my time partying for time reading and relaxing, my money eating out for cleaning supplies and cookware, and my love of carelessness for a love of responsibility. I became an adult! Don’t get me wrong — I still drink too much wine, I sometimes have a fit like a toddler over a bill and I usually buy clothes instead of gas, but the things that bring me happiness these days are pretty lame by my 21-year-old standards.
1. Farmers’ markets
Good golly, has this little homegrown piece of heaven been around my whole life? There is nothing I love more (except the nerdy things listed below) than going to the farmers’ market on a crisp fall morning. Being surrounded by all those vibrant, fresh, beautiful fruits, veggies and jams actually makes me want to quit the corporate world and become a farmer.
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