Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

10 Habits of Couples in Strong and Healthy Relationships

Reposted from: http://www.bustle.com/articles/45366-10-habits-of-couples-in-strong-and-healthy-relationships?utm_source=spots&utm_medium=pages&utm_campaign=fbtraffic

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What makes for a healthy romantic relationship differs from couple to couple. Forming a trusting and positive partnership takes effort and time. And unfortunately, it doesn’t just happen overnight. For any relationship to grow strong and stay strong, you need to put in some work. Below are some habits that will create and maintain a happy and healthy twosome.


Communication is key. It is one of the most important qualities in keeping a healthy relationship. However, not everyone knows how to communicate properly, or even communicate at all. Happy and healthy couples have their communication game down. They communicate the good. They vocalize their love for one another, saying “I love you” often and offering compliments to their partner. They also discuss the bad, instead of sweeping issues under the rug. In order to move forward and grow as a couple, you two need to be able to truly talk about your feelings. No matter how awkward or uncomfortable it feels, it will make for a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship. 

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Quality, Not Quantity: 5 Sh*t ‘Friends’ Who Add No Value To Your Life

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/life/five-friends-arent-really-friends/897796/

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There are certain juvenile behaviors with which we tend to put up while we’re in college or at our first jobs. Eventually, you move up and move on, but there tends to be some people who don’t quite grasp this.

If you’ve been working unbelievably hard in your post-collegiate years to have things like a 401(k) savings account, the ability to travel and a nice place to live, then some of these so-called friends will drive you up the wall.

Simply put, these people aren’t really your friends.

It’s a new year, and along with resolving to trim the fat around your waist, go ahead and trim some of the unwanted fat from your social life by nixing these five people:

1. The One-Upper

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21 Reasons Why Wine Drunk Will Always Be Your Favorite Drunk

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/women/wine-drunk-best-drunk-will-ever/876374/

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image by: Tumblr

Women and wine — it’s perhaps the closest and most fun relationship out there. It’s stable, strong and reliable.

Wine is there to comfort you in the toughest of times and the most exciting of celebrations. Perhaps this is why women love wine in the first place — there is always a time for it.

Whether you are drowning your sorrows from yet another miserable day at the office or celebrating your most recent promotion, you know exactly what you are doing at the end of the day — that’s right, cracking open (or twisting off the cap of) a fresh bottle of vino.

So why is a wine drunk better than any other type of drunk out there?

1. It makes you feel classy

You could be bundled up in your sweatpants and underneath a blanket, but as long as you have a full glass of wine in hand, you’ve never felt classier.

You could be celebrating with tequila shots, but your classy ass goes straight for the vino.

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18 Qualities Every Alpha Woman Should Look For In A Boyfriend

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/alpha-woman-should-look-for-in-a-boyfriend/899441/

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Joanna Kitchener

Photo by: Joanna Kitchener

The Alpha Female is a strong, majestic female. She can often be intimidating to those around her and isn’t afraid to ask for what she wants. She’s killing it in her career and has a solid group of friends to rely on.

There’s nothing quite as brilliant as a woman with confidence and ambition. She isn’t scared to put people in their place should they do her dirty, nor is she willing to put up with anyone else’s sh*t. She simply doesn’t have the time.

A strong Alpha Woman needs a man who’s her equal, her partner, her greatest supporter. By definition, you’d think that she should want an Alpha Male, but he can provide only passion, not steadiness. She also doesn’t get along with Beta Males because they’re too weak to keep her or pique her interest.

So, who’s right for the mighty Alpha Female? What kind of man can keep her grounded while still challenging her to grow and be the best she can?

May I introduce Type Z: a man who’s equal parts solid and charismatic. He’s her rock, her foundation. He’s not intimidated by her successes nor would he allow her to walk all over him. He’s true to himself and true to her.

An Alpha Woman knows what she needs to have a sturdy partnership with a man who’ll be her ally, her confidant and her best friend.

These are 18 qualities every Alpha Female should look for in a boyfriend:

1. He’s someone who can tease you and also be teased.

He’d never be malicious or say something  to hurt your feelings, but he can give a joke just as well as you can.

You know each other well enough to know when you’ve crossed the line, but your shared love of sarcasm and your knowledge of each other’s weak spots make teasing fun — never threatening.

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15 Things To Start Doing In 2015

Reposted from: http://latteswithlipstick.com/2014/12/31/15-things-to-start-doing-in-2015/


1- Drink more water

Your skin will glow and you’ll shed some pounds. Just do it.

2- Stop trying to please everyone.

It’s like running a race with no finish line. You will NEVER accomplish it and you will just become exhausted in the meantime. You don’t like everyone and not everyone will like you. Let that be and spend time with people who like the real you.

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