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Written by: Halle Kay

Finding a fantastic guy sometimes feels like trying to find a grain of rice in an olympic size swimming pool: almost impossible. But it’s not. There are some amazing men out there among the assholes and it’s just a question of exercising good judgment. To save you time and agony, below are some of the worst kinds of men and how to spot them before you get stuck.
(And please note: all men exhibit some of these traits; what makes a guy truly terrible is if he engages in these behaviors to a degree that it becomes an ongoing problem for the relationship.)
1. The offender: The guy who ignores you when you text or call.
What to watch for: His communication habits. A guy should respond to your texts or calls within a reasonable time frame. If he’s taking an unusually long time to get back to you or ignoring some of your attempts to reach out altogether, cut bait. Nothing good comes from a guy who can’t even push some buttons on a phone for you. In fact, you shouldn’t be messing with someone who isn’t regularly initiating communication with you. Yes, there are guys who do that. You want one of them.
2. The offender: The guy who cheats.
What to watch for: His ethical vibe and his selfishness level. Guys who cheat are weak creatures with weak moral frameworks. They’re needs-driven, not principle-driven. What you want is a disciplined guy who plays fair and by the rules — a guy who gives you the sense that he would do the right thing even if it meant going without. If the guy you’re with has a selfish streak or is coming off like he lacks character, move on. Cheaters are bullshit.
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