Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

21 Reasons Why Wine Drunk Will Always Be Your Favorite Drunk

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/women/wine-drunk-best-drunk-will-ever/876374/

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Women and wine — it’s perhaps the closest and most fun relationship out there. It’s stable, strong and reliable.

Wine is there to comfort you in the toughest of times and the most exciting of celebrations. Perhaps this is why women love wine in the first place — there is always a time for it.

Whether you are drowning your sorrows from yet another miserable day at the office or celebrating your most recent promotion, you know exactly what you are doing at the end of the day — that’s right, cracking open (or twisting off the cap of) a fresh bottle of vino.

So why is a wine drunk better than any other type of drunk out there?

1. It makes you feel classy

You could be bundled up in your sweatpants and underneath a blanket, but as long as you have a full glass of wine in hand, you’ve never felt classier.

You could be celebrating with tequila shots, but your classy ass goes straight for the vino.

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15 Things To Start Doing In 2015

Reposted from: http://latteswithlipstick.com/2014/12/31/15-things-to-start-doing-in-2015/


1- Drink more water

Your skin will glow and you’ll shed some pounds. Just do it.

2- Stop trying to please everyone.

It’s like running a race with no finish line. You will NEVER accomplish it and you will just become exhausted in the meantime. You don’t like everyone and not everyone will like you. Let that be and spend time with people who like the real you.

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8 Ways Your Life Gets Better When You Stop Going Out All The Time

Reposted from: http://www.bustle.com/articles/55068-8-ways-your-life-gets-better-when-you-stop-going-out-all-the-time

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Agung Parameswara/Getty Images News/Getty Images

I recently went to a music festival with my cousin who is 22, and my brothers who are 19 and 21, respectively. I’m flirting with 30, so I knew going into the experience that we have some slightly differing priorities. On the second night of the festival, I decided to go to bed at midnight, which led to me facing chastisement at the mercy of the younger people. “You’re so lame,” they said. But in my elderly zen state, I simply chuckled. I explained to them that I’ve been to every party already. And one thing I learned from that is that every party is the same.

The other important lesson I’ve learned is that you get to choose how satisfied you are with the level of fun you’ve had, and that it’s okay to reach a quota on said fun, and that as you get older, you stop feeling like you constantly need to be seeking more fun once your cup is already full of fun. Or that if you’re not having fun doing something, you can simply stop doing it, rather than desperately trying to turn it into fun. So it follows that your life naturally starts getting better once you stop going out all the time. Especially because moderation is the spice of life; an exciting party lifestyle can be just as monotonous and routine as a sober one. Here are 8 reasons not going out all the time can really benefit your life.

1. You save money

I think the most immediate and noticeable benefit of not going out every night, whether it be to restaurants or bars or both, is that you save so much money. You can still have nice things like delicious food and wine in the comfort of your own home, but you’ll save a small fortune by cooking yourself and not being in environments where drinks cost $10 a pop. (You can have $3 bottles of Trader Joe’s wine instead!) Not going out also means you wont be getting drunk and offering to buy rounds of drinks for people who will never get you back, and you wont be wasting money on unnecessary cab rides or entry fees.

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11 Silly, Ridiculous Signs That Might Mean You’re In Love

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/11-silly-ridiculous-signs-might-mean-youre-love/864846/

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Underwear Tuesday

Have you ever been in love? A lot of us are terrified to be in love and will deny its truth, even if all the signs are there. Disney got it right with “I Won’t Say I’m In Love” from “Hercules.”

Even if you haven’t yet said the ever-dreaded L-word to your person, even if you’re not officially “together” and even if you have absolutely no intention to be in love, you very well might be.

Love can present itself in mysterious, ridiculous ways. There are things you might be doing or things that might be happening that make you think, “Hm, weird.” Guess what? These things could mean love:

1. He/she frustrates the living hell out of you, and yet you still tolerate him/her

This person may have not yet realized you’re always right (duh), and every time he or she does something stupid, you just want to shake his or her big, dumb head.

Half of the time, this person makes you want to scream, and you communicate this with passion in your voice. This person is a gigantic pain in your ass, but in the end, he or she is your pain in the ass.

No matter how frustrating this person gets, you never stop wanting to be with him or her. You’re beginning to realize the opposite of love isn’t hate, but rather, it’s indifference.

Hate and love are very similar. When you say, “Ugh, I hate you so much,” it’s not what you mean at all.

2. It doesn’t matter what you’re saying

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Too much protein in your diet?

Thursday, June 12, 2014 Permalink

logo23 Signs You Could Be Eating Too Much Protein

 | By Sarah Klein

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PeskyMonkey via Getty Images

With recent launches of Lunchables Protein Packs and Cheerios Protein, it seems food companies are trying to sell us on more protein in just about every aisle of the grocery store.

The average adult needs about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight a day, which comes out to roughly 56 grams of protein a day for men and 46 for women, according to the Institutes of Medicine.