Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

Once A Cheater Always A Cheater: Science Says Cheating Is Repetitive

Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Permalink

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/news/world/cheaters-will-cheat-again-relationships/734622/


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If your current partner cheated on his or her ex to be with you, it’s very possible your relationship is in serious trouble.

Research suggests lovers who are “poached” away from others are more likely to cheat in their new relationships.

Scientists at the University of Southern Alabama researched levels of commitment and satisfaction among 443 men and women.

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7 Stressful Things to Start Ignoring

Reposted from: http://www.marcandangel.com/2013/12/11/7-stressful-things-to-start-ignoring/

post written by: Marc Chernoff

7 Stressful Things to Start Ignoring

When I was nine-years-old, my dad came into my room one Sunday afternoon with teary eyes and told me that we might lose our house.  He explained that he had been struggling to find a job, and if he didn’t find one soon we would not be able to afford to live in our house anymore.  I could tell he was sad, angry, and worried all at once.  Without thinking about it, I hugged my dad and said, “It’s just a house.  I don’t care where we live, as long as we’re together.”

My dad, who’s now 70, loves to reminisce about this story.  He says my innocent, sincere response brought perspective to the stressful predicament our family was facing at the time.  Suddenly, he realized the sky wasn’t falling.  We were all healthy and capable of getting through this together.  And we did.

As we journey through life, so many of us let stress get the best of us.  Don’t let this happen to you.  Don’t let your mind stir up and put up with unnecessary drama.  Do your best, take small steps forward, keep things in perspective, and ignore the following…

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Sunday, November 30, 2014 Permalink

Reposted from: http://lessonslearnedinlife.com/communication-breakdown/


Ever been in a relationship and heard these words: “We need to talk?”
Yuck. Who likes to hear those words?
Well, if the tone reflects “I’m not happy about our relationship and this could be the end”, then no one.
But if the tone reflects “Hey baby, we need to talk. We haven’t really talked lately and I just want to know what’s going on in your life, how you’re really doing, if you’re happy with me and our relationship, etc.”

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I Can Sum Up Marriage In These 11 Texts I’ve Sent My Husband

Reposted from: http://www.yourtango.com/2014239933/lol-11-sad-but-true-married-people-texts-ive-sent-my-husband#.VHqJf8Lna71

Bwoman texting

Our text messages say a lot about our marriage.

While scrolling through my phone and reading the text exchange between my husband and I, I see a love story.

No, I don’t see a bunch of X’s, O’s and lovey dovey emoticons. But I do see mistakes, arguments, parenting advice and venting sessions. I see two people navigating this life together. I see a parenting partner. I see a best friend. I see a union that thrives on a healthy dose of sarcasm.

When I read our text messages, I see a real marriage.

And I laugh.


1. This may be the most truthful text message I’ve ever sent my husband, but honesty is key in a successful relationship.

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Seeing My Daughter With My Ex’s Boyfriend

Reposted from: http://www.cafe.com/joint-custody/seeing-my-daughter-with-my-exs-boyfriend?u=877b3bcf-35d7-40b6-b9a9-350bf1764ad2

Written by: Turney Duff

knew that eventually Jenn, my ex, would start dating someone. I was okay with that. We had too much of a past to ever consider getting back together, and the present was too good to consider changing. I thought we’d already been through the hardest part. We’d managed to get past the breakup of a five-year relationship, which culminated in my return to drug and alcohol rehab. We’d navigated our way through the short sale of our home. We’d had to get lawyers. We’d fielded questions from Lola, our four-year-old daughter, as to why Mommy and Daddy were no longer living together. Each hurdle proved to be difficult, but we agreed on one basic premise: What’s best for Lola? 

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