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Written by: Gigi Engle in Dating

Photo by: Joanna Kitchener
The Alpha Female is a strong, majestic female. She can often be intimidating to those around her and isn’t afraid to ask for what she wants. She’s killing it in her career and has a solid group of friends to rely on.

There’s nothing quite as brilliant as a woman with confidence and ambition. She isn’t scared to put people in their place should they do her dirty, nor is she willing to put up with anyone else’s sh*t. She simply doesn’t have the time.
A strong Alpha Woman needs a man who’s her equal, her partner, her greatest supporter. By definition, you’d think that she should want an Alpha Male, but he can provide only passion, not steadiness. She also doesn’t get along with Beta Males because they’re too weak to keep her or pique her interest.
So, who’s right for the mighty Alpha Female? What kind of man can keep her grounded while still challenging her to grow and be the best she can?
May I introduce Type Z: a man who’s equal parts solid and charismatic. He’s her rock, her foundation. He’s not intimidated by her successes nor would he allow her to walk all over him. He’s true to himself and true to her.
An Alpha Woman knows what she needs to have a sturdy partnership with a man who’ll be her ally, her confidant and her best friend.
These are 18 qualities every Alpha Female should look for in a boyfriend:
1. He’s someone who can tease you and also be teased.
He’d never be malicious or say something to hurt your feelings, but he can give a joke just as well as you can.
You know each other well enough to know when you’ve crossed the line, but your shared love of sarcasm and your knowledge of each other’s weak spots make teasing fun — never threatening.
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