Divorce, Dating, Relationship Support

5 Signs Your Relationship Isn’t Working and You’re Wasting

Reposted from: http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/5-signs-your-relationship-isnt-working-and-youre-wasting-your-time-kt/

by Claudia Contreras


Every relationship you have should be the best one ever. If the one you’re in now makes you doubt that feeling, something is wrong.

Let’s face it: Relationships are great, but it’s better to be single than in a relationship that isn’t right for you. In the beginning, it’s easy to regard everything as being perfect, and to brush off any flaws we may come across.

But, once you get serious about your relationship and start to think carefully about all it is and isn’t, you’ll realize there are some issues you just can’t ignore.

Some relationships start out sweet and then turn sour; whereas, others just don’t feel right from the beginning. You ignore all the red flags because it’s difficult to admit the person you are with is not suitable for you.

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12 Types of Assholes: How to Spot Them Before It’s Too Late – See more at: http://thebolde.com/12-types-assholes-spot-late/#sthash.lKxTb1HF.dpuf


Reposted from: http://thebolde.com/12-types-assholes-spot-late/

Written by: Halle Kay

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Finding a fantastic guy sometimes feels like trying to find a grain of rice in an olympic size swimming pool: almost impossible. But it’s not. There are some amazing men out there among the assholes and it’s just a question of exercising good judgment. To save you time and agony, below are some of the worst kinds of men and how to spot them before you get stuck.

(And please note: all men exhibit some of these traits; what makes a guy truly terrible is if he engages in these behaviors to a degree that it becomes an ongoing problem for the relationship.)

1. The offender: The guy who ignores you when you text or call.
What to watch for: His communication habits.
A guy should respond to your texts or calls within a reasonable time frame. If he’s taking an unusually long time to get back to you or ignoring some of your attempts to reach out altogether, cut bait. Nothing good comes from a guy who can’t even push some buttons on a phone for you. In fact, you shouldn’t be messing with someone who isn’t regularly initiating communication with you. Yes, there are guys who do that. You want one of them.

2. The offender: The guy who cheats.
What to watch for: His ethical vibe and his selfishness level.
Guys who cheat are weak creatures with weak moral frameworks. They’re needs-driven, not principle-driven. What you want is a disciplined guy who plays fair and by the rules — a guy who gives you the sense that he would do the right thing even if it meant going without. If the guy you’re with has a selfish streak or is coming off like he lacks character, move on. Cheaters are bullshit.

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15 Commandments For Being Friends With Benefits

Reposted from: http://www.rebelcircus.com/blog/15-commandments-fwb/

Casual intercourse, also known as friends with benefits or FWB, is an extremely common thing, but people seem to sabotage this relationship of convenience every chance they get.  In order to have a long lasting FWB you must follow these simple commandments.  So, go ahead and take a look and we promise you, you will have a very fulfilling (casual) bedroom life!


AVOID the sleepover at all costs… even if you might be a little drunk and need to just sleep. There are always cabs.

They should NEVER be invited to any social gathering you have, unless they do happen to be friends with your friends.

DO NOT become friends on any social media site… besides Snapchat. That can come in handy.

You should ALWAYS stay in control. Don’t be someone’s booty call…that’s unbecoming.

Do it strictly for the toss in the sheets, DON’T have ulterior motives like dating openly or marriage. Yikes.

DO NOT get emotionally involved.

Excess cuddling is absolutely OFF THE TABLE.

NEVER fart in front of them. That means things just got serious.

When you are finished just LEAVE.

Keep the conversation light, DON’T make it heavy or personal.

At all costs, NEVER EVER meet their family.

You should ALWAYS wrap it up… Not today STD’s, not today!

DO learn how to sext to spice things up a little.

If you do wind up making the first move, ALWAYS take ‘no’ gracefully.

AVOID telling your friends about it, because they may have mutual friends. DTR: Define the relationship.




You Don’t Miss The Person, You Miss The Idea Of That Person

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/miss-the-idea-of-them/1029703/

Written by: Paul Hudson


Are people capable of missing anything or anyone? Or are we only missing our interpretation and memory of that thing or person?

It sounds like the same thing, but it’s really not.

In essence, we aren’t actually capable of missing or loving anyone for the exact person he or she is.

Instead, we are only capable of loving and appreciating people and things for who or what we understand them to be.

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10 Worst Body Language Mistakes

Reposted from: http://www3.forbes.com/leadership/10-worst-body-language-mistakes/

Written by: Travis Bradberry


Our bodies have a language of their own, and their words aren’t always kind. Your body language has likely become an integral part of who you are, to the point where you might not even think about it.

If that’s the case, it’s time to start, because you could be sabotaging your career.

TalentSmart has tested more than a million people and found that the upper echelons of top performance are filled with people who are high in emotional intelligence (90% of top performers, to be exact). These people know the power that unspoken signals have in communication and they monitor their own body language accordingly.

Avoiding Eye Contact When you don’t look someone in the eyes, it can signal deception or a lack of respect

Slouching Bad posture signals to others that you lack confidence and have poor self esteem or low energy levels.

Weak Handshake A handshake that isn’t firm will signal a lack of authority. One that is too firm could make you seem overly aggressive

Folding Arms This stance creates a sense of being closed off and may signal to others that you are disinterested in them or don’t buy into their message.

Looking Down If giving a presentation, when you look down while making a point, it loses all of its power and can may you look weak. In everyday interactions, it can make you look uncomfortable or self-conscious.

Angling Body Away From Others

Too much physical distance, angling the body away from the person you’re speaking with or not leaning into a conversation shows that you are uncomfortable, distrustful or disinterested in the subject.

Fidgeting And Touching Hair Fidgeting and playing with hair or clothes can reveal an excess of energy, which signals discomfort or anxiety.

Invading Others’ SpaceWhen you are closer than 1.5 feet away from a colleague or you treat their possessions and office space as if it were your own, it signals disrespect and that you don’t have a clear understanding of personal boundaries.

Glancing At The ClockGlancing at the clock or at your watch or even looking past a person who you’re speaking with will communicate disinterest or arrogance.

Frowning Or ScowlingScowls and frowns, often unintentional and unconscious, communicate unhappiness and disagreement.