Why You’ll Regret Giving Up The Girl Who Waited For You To Be Ready

Reposted from:http://elitedaily.com/dating/to-wait-for-you/1102917/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=EG&utm_content=1102917

Written by: Stephanie Nunez


There are very few people in the world who would wait for someone. I know this because very few have for me, and I’m sure far less have for you.

There are very few who would put their lives on hold for another human being, in hopes that the person would one day change and notice what they have in front of them.

Nonetheless, that’s exactly what I did for you.

You were my first real love. I know this because nothing ever compared. When we met, I didn’t want to give in, but when I finally did it was like nothing I ever felt.

We started strong, doing things we never thought we’d do for anyone else. I’d wonder how I ever got so lucky.

Every time we were together it was hard to leave, and when you’d drop me off, we’d spend hours together before I would finally go inside.

The days we didn’t see each other we’d count the hours until we did again, and we’d give in to days that we weren’t planning on seeing each other because we couldn’t handle it anymore.

I started to feel things I didn’t think possible, like jealousy or the need to be with someone every day, and that was scary. We were beautiful, not perfect, but beautiful.

Then it ended.

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It’s All About Timing: Why You’ll Know When He’s Ready To Settle Down

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/guy-ready-settle-down/1254159/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=EG&utm_content=1254159

Written by: Shireen McCleary