You’re Not The One: 8 Ways To Tell It’s Time To Say Goodbye

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We’re used to getting advice on if he’s “the one” or not. We pick petals off daisies, read countless magazine articles and debate it with our closest friends.

We make mental checklists of all the reasons he is or isn’t Mr. Right, or even Mr. Almost Right.

Determining if he’s “the one” seems to be pretty clear-cut to those who have found him, and as clear as mud to everyone else.

But, contrary to popular belief, there is an easy way to figure out if you two are forever. Sometimes you just have to think about it from the opposite side.

On that note, here’s a list of red flags, so you can stop in your tracks, exit left stage now, call it quits and not waste another second.

1. He is dishonest.

Now I don’t mean he’s dishonest in that he tells you you look great in a pair of shorts you both know aren’t flattering.

I mean he lies all the time, about big or small things, and you’re always catching him somewhere he shouldn’t be.

My mom always told me if someone can look you in the eyes and lie to you, they will do anything to you.

We’ve all told a fib here and there, but blatantly lying with no remorse is a real sign this person lacks a necessary component for building a lasting relationship.

Honesty is key; it establishes the very foundation a relationship is built on.

There is sometimes pain in telling the truth, especially to a partner you have wronged, but if he is able to fess up and be painfully honest with you, it usually means he is willing to accept his fault.

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