10 Definitive Ways To Tell You’re In Love With The Right Someone

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/10-ways-know-youre-love-someone-dont-just-like/685279/

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Falling in love is one of the most exciting, rewarding and scariest things you could ever do.

Once you’re in love with someone, it’s hard to remember how you lived without him or her. Of course, you were alive before you met this person, but you really didn’t start “living” until the two of you met.

I remember when I first fell in love with my girlfriend; it was a very scary feeling, as I had managed to elude love for the entirety of my life before her. I specifically remember the transition from when I liked Vanessa to when I began to love her.

Vanessa went from being someone who made me smile to being the greatest catalyst of the happiness and joy in my life. She went from a gorgeous girl I met to the most beautiful girl I know. She went from my crush to the love of my life.

Everyone experiences love differently, and at different times. Even the meaning of love is extremely subjective, but I say for certain that anyone who’s experienced it knows it’s the best feeling ever.

Here are 10 ways to know if you might be in love — rather than in like — with someone:

1. The best part of your day

As Childish Gambino said, “When I’m alone, I’d rather be with you.” Seeing my girlfriend is always the highlight of my day. If you really love someone, you never truly get tired of him or her.

No matter how great your day might be going, your special person will make it better. When you just like someone, he or she might make your day better, but probably isn’t the best part.

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12 Toxic Behaviors that Push People Away From You

Reposted from: http://www.marcandangel.com/2014/08/10/12-toxic-behaviors-that-push-people-away-from-you/

post written by: Marc Chernoff

12 Toxic Behaviors that Push People Away From You

In our line of work, Angel and I hear from hundreds of coaching clients every month.  Through this experience, we’ve come across scores of toxic behaviors that push people away from each other.  And we’ve witnessed the devastation these behaviors cause – to relationships, to personal and professional growth, and to the general well-being of both the individual behaving negatively, and to everyone in their life.

Let’s be honest – we’ve all acted in toxic, damaging ways at one time or another.  None of us are immune to occasional toxic mood swings, but many people are more evolved, balanced and aware, and such occurrences happen only rarely in their lives.

Whether your toxic behavior is a common occurrence, or just a once in a blue moon phenomena, it’s critical for your long-term happiness and success that you are able to recognize when you’re behaving negatively, and consciously shift your mindset when necessary.

The twelve most common toxic behaviors we see are:

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11 Reasons Why A Single Girl’s Life Is The Happiest Life

Thursday, November 6, 2014 Permalink

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/11-reasons-why-a-single-girls-life-is-the-happiest-life/634613/



Single girls may get a bad rap, but I’m here to defend them. Despite what society may believe, being single is more of choice than you think. Every time I pass a couple fighting on the street, I say to myself: I’m so glad that isn’t me.

I silently laugh to myself because I know the rest of this couple’s day is going to be spent dealing with arguments and tears and the only thing I’m worried about is what I’m getting for lunch.

I could not imagine if I spent half my day worrying about someone else. I can barely manage my own sh*t, let alone have the patience to deal with someone else’s. And, honestly, I don’t really care that much because I’m too busy with my own job and problems.

But seriously, why is a single life the happiest life?

1. No stress

The amount of stress you have on a daily basis while you are in a relationship is something I never want to deal with. I don’t care if you have the best relationship out there, you are definitely more stressed than the singles out there.

Dealing with the mind games and concerns of someone else is just something I don’t have the time for — honestly, does anyone though?

2. You can do whatever the f*ck you want

Do I want to go out, get trashed and consume two pies of pizza? Do I want to waste entire days away, binging on Netflix in bed? Or do I want to go to a concert by myself?

Being single gives you the absolute freedom to do whatever the hell it is you want, without having to worrying about someone’s opinion on the situation.

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The 9 Most Overlooked Threats to a Marriage

Wednesday, November 5, 2014 Permalink

Reposted from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kelly-m-flanagan/the-9-most-overlooked-thr_b_5972534.htm

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I feel bad for marital communication, because it gets blamed for everything. For generations, in survey after survey, couples have rated marital communication as the number one problem in marriage. It’s not.

Marital communication is getting a bad rap. It’s like the kid who fights back on the playground. The playground supervisors hear a commotion and turn their heads just in time to see his retaliation. He didn’t create the problem; he was reacting to the problem. But he’s the one who gets caught, so he’s sent off to the principal’s office.

Or, in the case of marital communication, the therapist’s office.

I feel bad for marital communication, because everyone gangs up on him, when the truth is, on the playground of marriage, he’s just reacting to one of the other troublemakers who started the fight:

1. We marry people because we like who they are. People change. Plan on it. Don’t marry someone because of who they are, or who you want them to become. Marry them because of who they are determined to become. And then spend a lifetime joining them in their becoming, as they join you in yours.

2. Marriage doesn’t take away our loneliness. To be alive is to be lonely. It’s the human condition. Marriage doesn’t change the human condition. It can’t make us completely unlonely. And when it doesn’t, we blame our partner for doing something wrong, or we go searching for companionship elsewhere. Marriage is intended to be a place where two humans share the experience of loneliness and, in the sharing, create moments in which the loneliness dissipates. For a little while.

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Stop Dating Someone You Don’t Have A Future With Just Because It’s Convenient

Saturday, November 1, 2014 Permalink

Reposted from: http://elitedaily.com/dating/sex/know-whether-two-will-work/?utm_source=huffingtonpost.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=pubexchange

Author: Sex

Stop Dating Someone You Don’t Have A Future With Just Because It’s ConvenientPhoto via We Heart It

Relationships are filled with uncertainty. Even when two people feel completely at home with each other, the fact remains that there is always a possibility that it may not work out. This isn’t something that should discourage anyone from dating or from trying to make things work. Many times it does work out and you do end up spending the rest of your life with the one you love – it does happen.

And more often than you’d think. But the fact is that, statistically, there is always a possibility of the relationship running its course. The trick is figuring out earlier on in a relationship whether or not the two of you have a real shot of making it last. This isn’t easy, as getting to know someone takes time.

On average it takes about two years for the full honeymoon period to blow over, then you begin seeing flaws in the other person. It’s not that these flaws weren’t there all along – they were; you just didn’t pay much notice to them, and they were most likely still being hidden. You got lost in the tide of love and have only now placed your feet on solid ground.

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